class skimage.viewer.widgets.CheckBox(name, value=False, alignment='center', ptype='kwarg', callback=None)
[source] -
CheckBox widget
Parameters: name : str
Name of CheckBox parameter. If this parameter is passed as a keyword argument, it must match the name of that keyword argument (spaces are replaced with underscores). In addition, this name is displayed as the name of the CheckBox.
value: {False, True}, optional
Initial state of the CheckBox.
alignment: {‘center’,’left’,’right’}, optional
Checkbox alignment
ptype : {‘arg’ | ‘kwarg’ | ‘plugin’}, optional
Parameter type
callback : callable f(widget_name, value), optional
Callback function called in response to checkbox changes. Note: This function is typically set (overridden) when the widget is added to a plugin.
__init__(name, value=False, alignment='center', ptype='kwarg', callback=None)
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