
Module: measure

skimage.measure.approximate_polygon(coords, ...) Approximate a polygonal chain with the specified tolerance.
skimage.measure.block_reduce(image, block_size) Down-sample image by applying function to local blocks.
skimage.measure.compare_mse(im1, im2) Compute the mean-squared error between two images.
skimage.measure.compare_nrmse(im_true, im_test) Compute the normalized root mean-squared error (NRMSE) between two images.
skimage.measure.compare_psnr(im_true, im_test) Compute the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) for an image.
skimage.measure.compare_ssim(X, Y[, ...]) Compute the mean structural similarity index between two images.
skimage.measure.correct_mesh_orientation(...) Correct orientations of mesh faces.
skimage.measure.find_contours(array, level) Find iso-valued contours in a 2D array for a given level value.
skimage.measure.grid_points_in_poly Test whether points on a specified grid are inside a polygon.
skimage.measure.label(input[, neighbors, ...]) Label connected regions of an integer array.
skimage.measure.marching_cubes(volume, level) Marching cubes algorithm to find iso-valued surfaces in 3d volumetric data
skimage.measure.mesh_surface_area(verts, faces) Compute surface area, given vertices & triangular faces
skimage.measure.moments(image[, order]) Calculate all raw image moments up to a certain order.
skimage.measure.moments_central(image, cr, cc) Calculate all central image moments up to a certain order.
skimage.measure.moments_hu(nu) Calculate Hu’s set of image moments.
skimage.measure.moments_normalized(mu[, order]) Calculate all normalized central image moments up to a certain order.
skimage.measure.perimeter(image[, neighbourhood]) Calculate total perimeter of all objects in binary image.
skimage.measure.points_in_poly Test whether points lie inside a polygon.
skimage.measure.profile_line(img, src, dst) Return the intensity profile of an image measured along a scan line.
skimage.measure.ransac(data, model_class, ...) Fit a model to data with the RANSAC (random sample consensus) algorithm.
skimage.measure.regionprops(label_image[, ...]) Measure properties of labeled image regions.
skimage.measure.structural_similarity(*args, ...) Deprecated function. Use compare_ssim instead.
skimage.measure.subdivide_polygon(coords[, ...]) Subdivision of polygonal curves using B-Splines.
skimage.measure.CircleModel() Total least squares estimator for 2D circles.
skimage.measure.EllipseModel() Total least squares estimator for 2D ellipses.
skimage.measure.LineModel() Total least squares estimator for 2D lines.
skimage.measure.LineModelND() Total least squares estimator for N-dimensional lines.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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