

class skimage.viewer.widgets.Slider(name, low=0.0, high=1.0, value=None, value_type='float', ptype='kwarg', callback=None, max_edit_width=60, orientation='horizontal', update_on='release') [source]

Bases: skimage.viewer.widgets.core.BaseWidget

Slider widget for adjusting numeric parameters.


name : str

Name of slider parameter. If this parameter is passed as a keyword argument, it must match the name of that keyword argument (spaces are replaced with underscores). In addition, this name is displayed as the name of the slider.

low, high : float

Range of slider values.

value : float

Default slider value. If None, use midpoint between low and high.

value_type : {‘float’ | ‘int’}, optional

Numeric type of slider value.

ptype : {‘kwarg’ | ‘arg’ | ‘plugin’}, optional

Parameter type.

callback : callable f(widget_name, value), optional

Callback function called in response to slider changes. Note: This function is typically set (overridden) when the widget is added to a plugin.

orientation : {‘horizontal’ | ‘vertical’}, optional

Slider orientation.

update_on : {‘release’ | ‘move’}, optional

Control when callback function is called: on slider move or release.

__init__(name, low=0.0, high=1.0, value=None, value_type='float', ptype='kwarg', callback=None, max_edit_width=60, orientation='horizontal', update_on='release') [source]
2017-01-12 17:23:33
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