

statsmodels.stats.weightstats.ttest_ind(x1, x2, alternative='two-sided', usevar='pooled', weights=(None, None), value=0) [source]

ttest independent sample

convenience function that uses the classes and throws away the intermediate results, compared to scipy stats: drops axis option, adds alternative, usevar, and weights option


x1, x2 : array_like, 1-D or 2-D

two independent samples, see notes for 2-D case

alternative : string

The alternative hypothesis, H1, has to be one of the following

?two-sided?: H1: difference in means not equal to value (default) ?larger? : H1: difference in means larger than value ?smaller? : H1: difference in means smaller than value

usevar : string, ?pooled? or ?unequal?

If pooled, then the standard deviation of the samples is assumed to be the same. If unequal, then Welsh ttest with Satterthwait degrees of freedom is used

weights : tuple of None or ndarrays

Case weights for the two samples. For details on weights see DescrStatsW

value : float

difference between the means under the Null hypothesis.


tstat : float

test statisic

pvalue : float

pvalue of the t-test

df : int or float

degrees of freedom used in the t-test

2017-01-18 16:19:49
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