Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean

Create Docker machines on Digital Ocean.

You need to create a personal access token under “Apps & API” in the Digital Ocean Control Panel and pass that to docker-machine create with the --digitalocean-access-token option.

$ docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token=aa9399a2175a93b17b1c86c807e08d3fc4b79876545432a629602f61cf6ccd6b test-this


  • --digitalocean-access-token: required Your personal access token for the Digital Ocean API.
  • --digitalocean-image: The name of the Digital Ocean image to use.
  • --digitalocean-region: The region to create the droplet in, see Regions API for how to get a list.
  • --digitalocean-size: The size of the Digital Ocean droplet (larger than default options are of the form 2gb).
  • --digitalocean-ipv6: Enable IPv6 support for the droplet.
  • --digitalocean-private-networking: Enable private networking support for the droplet.
  • --digitalocean-backups: Enable Digital Oceans backups for the droplet.
  • --digitalocean-userdata: Path to file containing User Data for the droplet.
  • --digitalocean-ssh-user: SSH username.
  • --digitalocean-ssh-port: SSH port.
  • --digitalocean-ssh-key-fingerprint: Use an existing SSH key instead of creating a new one, see SSH keys.

The DigitalOcean driver will use ubuntu-15-10-x64 as the default image.

Environment variables and default values:

CLI option Environment variable Default
--digitalocean-access-token DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN -
--digitalocean-image DIGITALOCEAN_IMAGE ubuntu-15-10-x64
--digitalocean-region DIGITALOCEAN_REGION nyc3
--digitalocean-size DIGITALOCEAN_SIZE 512mb
--digitalocean-ipv6 DIGITALOCEAN_IPV6 false
--digitalocean-private-networking DIGITALOCEAN_PRIVATE_NETWORKING false
--digitalocean-backups DIGITALOCEAN_BACKUPS false
--digitalocean-userdata DIGITALOCEAN_USERDATA -
--digitalocean-ssh-user DIGITALOCEAN_SSH_USER root
--digitalocean-ssh-port DIGITALOCEAN_SSH_PORT 22
--digitalocean-ssh-key-fingerprint DIGITALOCEAN_SSH_KEY_FINGERPRINT -
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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