All the keys you can press. Note that some keys may not be available on your keyboard or system.
Key string | Description | Note(s) |
Character keys | ||
a | The A key | |
b | The B key | |
c | The C key | |
d | The D key | |
e | The E key | |
f | The F key | |
g | The G key | |
h | The H key | |
i | The I key | |
j | The J key | |
k | The K key | |
l | The L key | |
m | The M key | |
n | The N key | |
o | The O key | |
p | The P key | |
q | The Q key | |
r | The R key | |
s | The S key | |
t | The T key | |
u | The U key | |
v | The V key | |
w | The W key | |
x | The X key | |
y | The Y key | |
z | The Z key | |
0 | The zero key | |
1 | The one key | |
2 | The two key | |
3 | The three key | |
4 | The four key | |
5 | The five key | |
6 | The six key | |
7 | The seven key | |
8 | The eight key | |
9 | The nine key | |
space | Space key | In version 0.9.2 and earlier this is represented by the actual space character ' '. |
! | Exclamation mark key | |
" | Double quote key | |
# | Hash key | |
$ | Dollar key | |
& | Ampersand key | |
' | Single quote key | |
( | Left parenthesis key | |
) | Right parenthesis key | |
* | Asterisk key | |
+ | Plus key | |
, | Comma key | |
- | Hyphen-minus key | |
. | Full stop key | |
/ | Slash key | |
: | Colon key | |
; | Semicolon key | |
< | Less-than key | |
= | Equal key | |
> | Greater-than key | |
? | Question mark key | |
@ | At sign key | |
[ | Left square bracket key | |
\ | Backslash key | |
] | Right square bracket key | |
^ | Caret key | |
_ | Underscore key | |
` | Grave accent key | Also known as the "Back tick" key |
Numpad keys | ||
kp0 | The numpad zero key | |
kp1 | The numpad one key | |
kp2 | The numpad two key | |
kp3 | The numpad three key | |
kp4 | The numpad four key | |
kp5 | The numpad five key | |
kp6 | The numpad six key | |
kp7 | The numpad seven key | |
kp8 | The numpad eight key | |
kp9 | The numpad nine key | |
kp. | The numpad decimal point key | |
kp, | The numpad comma key | |
kp/ | The numpad division key | |
kp* | The numpad multiplication key | |
kp- | The numpad substraction key | |
kp+ | The numpad addition key | |
kpenter | The numpad enter key | |
kp= | The numpad equals key | |
Navigation keys | ||
up | Up arrow key | |
down | Down arrow key | |
right | Right arrow key | |
left | Left arrow key | |
home | Home key | |
end | End key | |
pageup | Page up key | |
pagedown | Page down key | |
Editing keys | ||
insert | Insert key | |
backspace | Backspace key | |
tab | Tab key | |
clear | Clear key | |
return | Return key | Also known as the Enter key |
delete | Delete key | |
Function keys | ||
f1 | The 1st function key | |
f2 | The 2nd function key | |
f3 | The 3rd function key | |
f4 | The 4th function key | |
f5 | The 5th function key | |
f6 | The 6th function key | |
f7 | The 7th function key | |
f8 | The 8th function key | |
f9 | The 9th function key | |
f10 | The 10th function key | |
f11 | The 11th function key | |
f12 | The 12th function key | |
f13 | The 13th function key | |
f14 | The 14th function key | |
f15 | The 15th function key | |
f16 | The 16th function key | |
f17 | The 17th function key | |
f18 | The 18th function key | |
Modifier keys | ||
numlock | Num-lock key | Clear on Mac keyboards. |
capslock | Caps-lock key | Caps-on is a key press. Caps-off is a key release. |
scrolllock | Scroll-lock key | |
rshift | Right shift key | |
lshift | Left shift key | |
rctrl | Right control key | |
lctrl | Left control key | |
ralt | Right alt key | |
lalt | Left alt key | |
rgui | Right gui key | Command key in OS X, Windows key in Windows. |
lgui | Left gui key | Command key in OS X, Windows key in Windows. |
mode | Mode key | |
Application keys | ||
www | WWW key | |
Mail key | ||
calculator | Calculator key | |
computer | Computer key | |
appsearch | Application search key | |
apphome | Application home key | |
appback | Application back key | |
appforward | Application forward key | |
apprefresh | Application refresh key | |
appbookmarks | Application bookmarks key | |
Miscellaneous keys | ||
pause | Pause key | Sends a key release immediately on some platforms, even if held down. |
escape | Escape key | |
help | Help key | |
printscreen | Printscreen key | Sends a key release immediately on Windows, even if held down. |
sysreq | System request key | |
menu | Menu key | |
application | Application key | Windows contextual menu, compose key. |
power | Power key | |
currencyunit | Currency unit key | e.g. the Euro (€) key. |
undo | Undo key |
Note how love.keypressed gives direct key presses, whereas love.textinput gives the text that key combinations produce.
Let's take the "#" symbol as an example (assuming a U.S. keyboard):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | function love.keypressed(key) print(key) end --> shift --> 3 function love.textinput(text) print(text) end --> # |
See Also
- love.keyboard
- love.keypressed
- love.keyreleased
- love.keyboard.isDown
- love.keyboard.getScancodeFromKey
- love.keyboard.getKeyFromScancode