
For controlling objects with the mouse.


love.physics.newMouseJoint Create a joint between a body and the mouse.


Joint:destroy Explicitly destroys the Joint.
Joint:getAnchors Get the anchor points of the joint.
Joint:getBodies Gets the bodies that the Joint is attached to. 0.9.2
Joint:getCollideConnected Gets whether the connected Bodies collide.
Joint:getReactionForce Returns the reaction force on the second body.
Joint:getReactionTorque Returns the reaction torque on the second body.
Joint:getType Gets a string representing the type.
Joint:getUserData Returns the Lua value associated with this Joint. 0.9.2
Joint:isDestroyed Gets whether the Joint is destroyed. 0.9.2
Joint:setCollideConnected Sets whether the connected Bodies should collide with each other. 0.8.0
Joint:setUserData Associates a Lua value with the Joint. 0.9.2
MouseJoint:getDampingRatio Returns the damping ratio. 0.8.0
MouseJoint:getFrequency Returns the frequency. 0.8.0
MouseJoint:getMaxForce Gets the highest allowed force.
MouseJoint:getTarget Gets the target point.
MouseJoint:setDampingRatio Sets a new damping ratio. 0.8.0
MouseJoint:setFrequency Sets a new frequency. 0.8.0
MouseJoint:setMaxForce Sets the highest allowed force.
MouseJoint:setTarget Sets the target point.


See Also

  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Joint/MouseJoint

MouseJoint:getDampingRatio Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Returns the damping ratio.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Joint/MouseJoint

MouseJoint:setFrequency Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Sets a new frequency.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Joint/MouseJoint

MouseJoint:setDampingRatio Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Sets a new damping ratio.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Joint/MouseJoint

MouseJoint:getTarget Gets the target point. Function Synopsis x

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Joint/MouseJoint

MouseJoint:setMaxForce Sets the highest allowed force. Function Synopsis

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Joint/MouseJoint

MouseJoint:setTarget Sets the target point. Function Synopsis

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Joint/MouseJoint

MouseJoint:getMaxForce Gets the highest allowed force. Function Synopsis

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Joint/MouseJoint

MouseJoint:getFrequency Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Returns the frequency.

2025-01-10 15:47:30