

Returns a locale object for the specified definition with locale.format, locale.parse, locale.utcFormat, locale.utcParse methods. The definition must include the following properties:

  • dateTime - the date and time (%c) format specifier (e.g., "%a %b %e %X %Y").
  • date - the date (%x) format specifier (e.g., "%m/%d/%Y").
  • time - the time (%X) format specifier (e.g., "%H:%M:%S").
  • periods - the A.M. and P.M. equivalents (e.g., ["AM", "PM"]).
  • days - the full names of the weekdays, starting with Sunday.
  • shortDays - the abbreviated names of the weekdays, starting with Sunday.
  • months - the full names of the months (starting with January).
  • shortMonths - the abbreviated names of the months (starting with January).
2016-11-24 10:27:24
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