Constructs a new projection from the specified raw projection factory and returns a mutate function to call whenever the raw projection changes. The factory must return a raw projection. The returned mutate function returns the wrapped projection. For example, a conic projection typically has two configurable parallels. A suitable factory function, such as d3.geoConicEqualAreaRaw, would have the form:
// y0 and y1 represent two parallels function conicFactory(phi0, phi1) { return function conicRaw(lambda, phi) { return […, …]; }; }
Using d3.geoProjectionMutator, you can implement a standard projection that allows the parallels to be changed, reassigning the raw projection used internally by d3.geoProjection:
function conicCustom() { var phi0 = 29.5, phi1 = 45.5, mutate = d3.geoProjectionMutator(conicFactory), projection = mutate(phi0, phi1); projection.parallels = function(_) { return arguments.length ? mutate(phi0 = +_[0], phi1 = +_[1]) : [phi0, phi1]; }; return projection; }
When creating a mutable projection, the mutate function is typically not exposed.
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