project.invert(x, y) The inverse of project
stream.sphere() Indicates the sphere (the globe; the unit sphere centered at ⟨0,0,0⟩).
d3.geoPath([projection[, context]]) Creates a new geographic path generator with the default settings. If projection
d3.geoProjectionMutator(factory) Constructs a new projection from the specified
d3.geoBounds(feature) Returns the spherical
d3.geoRotation(angles) Returns a rotation function
graticule.precision([angle]) If precision is specified, sets the precision for this graticule, in degrees.
d3.geoLength(feature) Returns the great-arc length of the specified GeoJSON feature in
graticule.extentMajor([extent]) If extent is specified, sets the major extent of this graticule. If extent
d3.geoGraticule() Constructs a feature generator for creating graticules: a uniform grid of
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