
Defines an interface for managing config schema type plugins.


See also






core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/TypedConfigManagerInterface.php, line 15




Name Modifiers Type Description
CachedDiscoveryInterface::clearCachedDefinitions public function Clears static and persistent plugin definition caches. Overrides EntityTypeRepositoryInterface::clearCachedDefinitions
CachedDiscoveryInterface::useCaches public function Disable the use of caches. Overrides EntityFieldManagerInterface::useCaches
DiscoveryInterface::getDefinitions public function Gets the definition of all plugins for this type.
DiscoveryInterface::hasDefinition public function Indicates if a specific plugin definition exists.
TypedConfigManagerInterface::buildDataDefinition public function Creates a new data definition object from a type definition array and actual configuration data. Since type definitions may contain variables to be replaced, we need the configuration value to create it.
TypedConfigManagerInterface::get public function Gets typed configuration data.
TypedConfigManagerInterface::getDefinition public function Gets a specific plugin definition. Overrides DiscoveryInterface::getDefinition
TypedConfigManagerInterface::hasConfigSchema public function Checks if the configuration schema with the given config name exists.
TypedDataManagerInterface::create public function Creates a new typed data object instance.
TypedDataManagerInterface::createDataDefinition public function Creates a new data definition object.
TypedDataManagerInterface::createInstance public function Instantiates a typed data object. Overrides FactoryInterface::createInstance
TypedDataManagerInterface::createListDataDefinition public function Creates a new list data definition for items of the given data type.
TypedDataManagerInterface::getCanonicalRepresentation public function Gets the canonical representation of a TypedData object.
TypedDataManagerInterface::getDefaultConstraints public function Gets default constraints for the given data definition.
TypedDataManagerInterface::getInstance public function Overrides MapperInterface::getInstance
TypedDataManagerInterface::getPropertyInstance public function Get a typed data instance for a property of a given typed data object.
TypedDataManagerInterface::getValidationConstraintManager public function Gets the validation constraint manager.
TypedDataManagerInterface::getValidator public function Gets the validator for validating typed data.
TypedDataManagerInterface::setValidationConstraintManager public function Sets the validation constraint manager.
TypedDataManagerInterface::setValidator public function Sets the validator for validating typed data.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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