
Provides an interface for a content entity type and its metadata.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityTypeInterface.php, line 8




Name Modifiers Type Description
EntityTypeInterface::addConstraint public function Adds a validation constraint.
EntityTypeInterface::BUNDLE_MAX_LENGTH constant The maximum length of bundle name, in characters.
EntityTypeInterface::get public function Gets any arbitrary property.
EntityTypeInterface::getAccessControlClass public function Gets the access control class.
EntityTypeInterface::getAdminPermission public function Gets the name of the default administrative permission.
EntityTypeInterface::getBaseTable public function Gets the name of the entity's base table.
EntityTypeInterface::getBundleConfigDependency public function Gets the config dependency info for this entity, if any exists.
EntityTypeInterface::getBundleEntityType public function Gets the name of the entity type which provides bundles.
EntityTypeInterface::getBundleLabel public function Gets the label for the bundle.
EntityTypeInterface::getBundleOf public function Gets the entity type for which this entity provides bundles.
EntityTypeInterface::getConfigDependencyKey public function Gets the key that is used to store configuration dependencies.
EntityTypeInterface::getConstraints public function Gets an array of validation constraints.
EntityTypeInterface::getCountLabel public function Gets the count label of the entity type
EntityTypeInterface::getDataTable public function Gets the name of the entity's data table.
EntityTypeInterface::getFormClass public function Gets the form class for a specific operation.
EntityTypeInterface::getGroup public function Gets the machine name of the entity type group.
EntityTypeInterface::getGroupLabel public function Gets the human-readable name of the entity type group.
EntityTypeInterface::getHandlerClass public function
EntityTypeInterface::getHandlerClasses public function Gets an array of handlers.
EntityTypeInterface::getKey public function Gets a specific entity key.
EntityTypeInterface::getKeys public function Gets an array of entity keys.
EntityTypeInterface::getLabel public function Gets the human-readable name of the entity type.
EntityTypeInterface::getLabelCallback Deprecated public function Gets the callback for the label of the entity.
EntityTypeInterface::getLinkTemplate public function Gets the link template for a given key.
EntityTypeInterface::getLinkTemplates public function Gets the link templates using the URI template syntax.
EntityTypeInterface::getListBuilderClass public function Gets the list class.
EntityTypeInterface::getListCacheContexts public function The list cache contexts associated with this entity type.
EntityTypeInterface::getListCacheTags public function The list cache tags associated with this entity type.
EntityTypeInterface::getLowercaseLabel public function Gets the lowercase form of the human-readable entity type name.
EntityTypeInterface::getOriginalClass public function Gets the name of the original entity type class.
EntityTypeInterface::getPermissionGranularity public function Gets the permission granularity level.
EntityTypeInterface::getPluralLabel public function Gets the plural label of the entity type.
EntityTypeInterface::getProvider public function Gets the name of the provider of this entity type.
EntityTypeInterface::getRevisionDataTable public function Gets the name of the entity's revision data table.
EntityTypeInterface::getRevisionTable public function Gets the name of the entity's revision table.
EntityTypeInterface::getRouteProviderClasses public function Gets all the route provide handlers.
EntityTypeInterface::getSingularLabel public function Gets the singular label of the entity type.
EntityTypeInterface::getStorageClass public function Gets the storage class.
EntityTypeInterface::getUriCallback public function Gets a callable that can be used to provide the entity URI.
EntityTypeInterface::getViewBuilderClass public function Gets the view builder class.
EntityTypeInterface::hasFormClasses public function Indicates if this entity type has any forms.
EntityTypeInterface::hasHandlerClass public function Determines if there is a handler for a given type.
EntityTypeInterface::hasKey public function Indicates if a given entity key exists.
EntityTypeInterface::hasLabelCallback Deprecated public function Indicates if a label callback exists.
EntityTypeInterface::hasLinkTemplate public function Indicates if a link template exists for a given key.
EntityTypeInterface::hasListBuilderClass public function Indicates if this entity type has a list class.
EntityTypeInterface::hasRouteProviders public function Indicates if this entity type has any route provider.
EntityTypeInterface::hasViewBuilderClass public function Indicates if this entity type has a view builder.
EntityTypeInterface::id public function Gets the unique identifier of the entity type.
EntityTypeInterface::ID_MAX_LENGTH constant The maximum length of ID, in characters.
EntityTypeInterface::isCommonReferenceTarget public function Indicates whether this entity type is commonly used as a reference target.
EntityTypeInterface::isPersistentlyCacheable public function Indicates if the persistent cache of field data should be used.
EntityTypeInterface::isRenderCacheable public function Indicates whether the rendered output of entities should be cached.
EntityTypeInterface::isRevisionable public function Indicates whether entities of this type have revision support.
EntityTypeInterface::isStaticallyCacheable public function Indicates whether entities should be statically cached.
EntityTypeInterface::isSubclassOf public function Indicates if the entity type is a subclass of the given class or interface.
EntityTypeInterface::isTranslatable public function Indicates whether entities of this type have multilingual support.
EntityTypeInterface::set public function Sets a value to an arbitrary property.
EntityTypeInterface::setAccessClass public function Gets the access class.
EntityTypeInterface::setConstraints public function Sets the array of validation constraints for the FieldItemList.
EntityTypeInterface::setFormClass public function Sets a form class for a specific operation.
EntityTypeInterface::setHandlerClass public function Sets the handlers for a given type.
EntityTypeInterface::setLabelCallback Deprecated public function Sets the label callback.
EntityTypeInterface::setLinkTemplate public function Sets a single link template.
EntityTypeInterface::setListBuilderClass public function Sets the list class.
EntityTypeInterface::setStorageClass public function Sets the storage class.
EntityTypeInterface::setUriCallback public function Sets a callable to use to provide the entity URI.
EntityTypeInterface::setViewBuilderClass public function Gets the view builder class.
PluginDefinitionInterface::getClass public function Gets the class.
PluginDefinitionInterface::setClass public function Sets the class.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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