
Provides a base class for key/value storage implementations.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/KeyValueStore/StorageBase.php, line 8




Name Modifiers Type Description
KeyValueStoreInterface::deleteAll public function Deletes all items from the key/value store.
KeyValueStoreInterface::deleteMultiple public function Deletes multiple items from the key/value store.
KeyValueStoreInterface::getAll public function Returns all stored key/value pairs in the collection.
KeyValueStoreInterface::getMultiple public function Returns the stored key/value pairs for a given set of keys.
KeyValueStoreInterface::has public function Returns whether a given key exists in the store.
KeyValueStoreInterface::rename public function Renames a key.
KeyValueStoreInterface::set public function Saves a value for a given key.
KeyValueStoreInterface::setIfNotExists public function Saves a value for a given key if it does not exist yet.
StorageBase::$collection protected property The name of the collection holding key and value pairs.
StorageBase::delete public function Deletes an item from the key/value store. Overrides KeyValueStoreInterface::delete
StorageBase::get public function Returns the stored value for a given key. Overrides KeyValueStoreInterface::get
StorageBase::getCollectionName public function Returns the name of this collection. Overrides KeyValueStoreInterface::getCollectionName
StorageBase::setMultiple public function Saves key/value pairs. Overrides KeyValueStoreInterface::setMultiple
StorageBase::__construct public function
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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