
Common interface for language negotiation services.



core/modules/language/src/ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface.php, line 11




Name Modifiers Type Description
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::getDefinedLanguageTypes public function Returns all the defined language types including fixed ones.
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::getLanguageConfigOverride public function Gets a language config override object.
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::getLanguageConfigOverrideStorage public function Gets a language configuration override storage object.
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::getNegotiatedLanguageMethod public function Gets the negotiated language method ID.
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::getNegotiator public function Returns the language negotiator.
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::getStandardLanguageListWithoutConfigured public function Returns the standard language list excluding already configured languages.
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::rebuildServices public static function Rebuild the container to register services needed on multilingual sites.
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::saveLanguageTypesConfiguration public function Stores language types configuration.
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::setNegotiator public function Injects the language negotiator.
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::updateLockedLanguageWeights public function Updates locked system language weights.
LanguageManagerInterface::getConfigOverrideLanguage public function Gets the current configuration override language.
LanguageManagerInterface::getCurrentLanguage public function Returns the current language for the given type.
LanguageManagerInterface::getDefaultLanguage public function Returns a language object representing the site's default language.
LanguageManagerInterface::getDefaultLockedLanguages public function Returns a list of the default locked languages.
LanguageManagerInterface::getDefinedLanguageTypesInfo public function Returns information about all defined language types.
LanguageManagerInterface::getFallbackCandidates public function Returns the language fallback candidates for a given context.
LanguageManagerInterface::getLanguage public function Returns a language object from the given language code.
LanguageManagerInterface::getLanguageName public function Produced the printed name for a language for display.
LanguageManagerInterface::getLanguages public function Returns a list of languages set up on the site.
LanguageManagerInterface::getLanguageSwitchLinks public function Returns the language switch links for the given language type.
LanguageManagerInterface::getLanguageTypes public function Returns an array of the available language types.
LanguageManagerInterface::getNativeLanguages public function Returns a list of languages set up on the site in their native form.
LanguageManagerInterface::getStandardLanguageList public static function Some common languages with their English and native names.
LanguageManagerInterface::isLanguageLocked public function Checks whether a language is locked.
LanguageManagerInterface::isMultilingual public function Returns whether or not the site has more than one language added.
LanguageManagerInterface::reset public function Resets the given language type or all types if none specified.
LanguageManagerInterface::setConfigOverrideLanguage public function Sets the configuration override language.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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