
Manages configuration supported in part by interface translation.

This manager is responsible to update configuration overrides and active translations when interface translation data changes. This allows Drupal to translate user roles, views, blocks, etc. after Drupal has been installed using the locale module's storage. When translations change in locale, LocaleConfigManager::updateConfigTranslations() is invoked to update the corresponding storage of the translation in the original config object or an override.

In turn when translated configuration or configuration language overrides are changed, it is the responsibility of LocaleConfigSubscriber to update locale storage.

By design locale module only deals with sources in English.


See also



core/modules/locale/src/LocaleConfigManager.php, line 34




Name Modifiers Type Description
LocaleConfigManager::$configFactory protected property The configuration factory.
LocaleConfigManager::$configManager protected property The configuration manager.
LocaleConfigManager::$configStorage protected property The storage instance for reading configuration data.
LocaleConfigManager::$defaultConfigStorage protected property The locale default config storage instance.
LocaleConfigManager::$isUpdatingFromLocale protected property Whether or not configuration translations are being updated from locale.
LocaleConfigManager::$languageManager protected property The language manager.
LocaleConfigManager::$localeStorage protected property The string storage for reading and writing translations.
LocaleConfigManager::$translations protected property Array with preloaded string translations.
LocaleConfigManager::$typedConfigManager protected property The typed config manager.
LocaleConfigManager::deleteLanguageTranslations public function Deletes configuration for language.
LocaleConfigManager::deleteTranslationOverride protected function Deletes translated configuration data.
LocaleConfigManager::filterOverride protected function Filters override data based on default translatable items.
LocaleConfigManager::getActiveConfigLangcode public function Returns the current language code for this active configuration.
LocaleConfigManager::getComponentNames public function Gets configuration names associated with components.
LocaleConfigManager::getDefaultConfigLangcode public function Returns the original language code for this shipped configuration.
LocaleConfigManager::getStringNames public function Gets configuration names associated with strings.
LocaleConfigManager::getStringTranslation public function Get the translation object for the given source/context and language.
LocaleConfigManager::getTranslatableData protected function Gets translatable configuration data for a typed configuration element.
LocaleConfigManager::getTranslatableDefaultConfig public function Gets array of translated strings for Locale translatable configuration.
LocaleConfigManager::hasTranslation public function Checks whether a language has configuration translation.
LocaleConfigManager::isSupported public function Whether the given configuration is supported for interface translation.
LocaleConfigManager::isUpdatingTranslationsFromLocale public function Indicates whether configuration translations are being updated from locale.
LocaleConfigManager::processTranslatableData protected function Process the translatable data array with a given language.
LocaleConfigManager::reset public function Reset static cache of configuration string translations.
LocaleConfigManager::saveTranslationActive protected function Saves translated configuration data.
LocaleConfigManager::saveTranslationOverride protected function Saves translated configuration override.
LocaleConfigManager::translateString public function Translates string using the localization system.
LocaleConfigManager::updateConfigTranslations public function Updates all configuration translations for the names / languages provided.
LocaleConfigManager::__construct public function Creates a new typed configuration manager.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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