
An implementation of the user account interface for the global user.

@todo: Change all properties to protected.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Session/UserSession.php, line 10




Name Modifiers Type Description
AccountInterface::ANONYMOUS_ROLE constant Role ID for anonymous users.
AccountInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ROLE constant Role ID for authenticated users.
UserSession::$access protected property The Unix timestamp when the user last accessed the site.
UserSession::$mail protected property The email address of this account.
UserSession::$name public property The name of this account.
UserSession::$preferred_admin_langcode protected property The preferred administrative language code of the account.
UserSession::$preferred_langcode protected property The preferred language code of the account.
UserSession::$roles protected property List of the roles this user has.
UserSession::$timezone protected property The timezone of this account.
UserSession::$uid protected property User ID.
UserSession::getAccountName public function Returns the unaltered login name of this account. Overrides AccountInterface::getAccountName
UserSession::getDisplayName public function Returns the display name of this account. Overrides AccountInterface::getDisplayName
UserSession::getEmail public function Returns the email address of this account. Overrides AccountInterface::getEmail
UserSession::getLastAccessedTime public function The timestamp when the account last accessed the site. Overrides AccountInterface::getLastAccessedTime
UserSession::getPreferredAdminLangcode function Returns the preferred administrative language code of the account. Overrides AccountInterface::getPreferredAdminLangcode
UserSession::getPreferredLangcode function Returns the preferred language code of the account. Overrides AccountInterface::getPreferredLangcode
UserSession::getRoles public function Returns a list of roles. Overrides AccountInterface::getRoles
UserSession::getRoleStorage protected function Returns the role storage object.
UserSession::getTimeZone public function Returns the timezone of this account. Overrides AccountInterface::getTimeZone
UserSession::getUsername public function Returns the unaltered login name of this account. Overrides AccountInterface::getUsername
UserSession::hasPermission public function Checks whether a user has a certain permission. Overrides AccountInterface::hasPermission
UserSession::id public function Returns the user ID or 0 for anonymous. Overrides AccountInterface::id
UserSession::isAnonymous public function Returns TRUE if the account is anonymous. Overrides AccountInterface::isAnonymous
UserSession::isAuthenticated public function Returns TRUE if the account is authenticated. Overrides AccountInterface::isAuthenticated
UserSession::__construct public function Constructs a new user session.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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