Defines the comment entity class.
Plugin annotation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | @ContentEntityType( id = "comment" , label = @Translation( "Comment" ), bundle_label = @Translation( "Comment type" ), handlers = { "storage" = "Drupal\comment\CommentStorage" , "storage_schema" = "Drupal\comment\CommentStorageSchema" , "access" = "Drupal\comment\CommentAccessControlHandler" , "list_builder" = "Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityListBuilder" , "view_builder" = "Drupal\comment\CommentViewBuilder" , "views_data" = "Drupal\comment\CommentViewsData" , "form" = { "default" = "Drupal\comment\CommentForm" , "delete" = "Drupal\comment\Form\DeleteForm" }, "translation" = "Drupal\comment\CommentTranslationHandler" }, base_table = "comment" , data_table = "comment_field_data" , uri_callback = "comment_uri" , translatable = TRUE, entity_keys = { "id" = "cid" , "bundle" = "comment_type" , "label" = "subject" , "langcode" = "langcode" , "uuid" = "uuid" }, links = { "canonical" = "/comment/{comment}" , "delete-form" = "/comment/{comment}/delete" , "edit-form" = "/comment/{comment}/edit" , }, bundle_entity_type = "comment_type" , field_ui_base_route = "entity.comment_type.edit_form" , constraints = { "CommentName" = {} } ) |
- class \Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity implements EntityInterface uses RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait, DependencySerializationTrait
- class \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase implements \IteratorAggregate, ContentEntityInterface
- class \Drupal\comment\Entity\Comment implements CommentInterface uses EntityChangedTrait
- class \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase implements \IteratorAggregate, ContentEntityInterface
- core/modules/comment/src/Entity/Comment.php, line 60
Name | Modifiers | Type | Description |
Comment::$threadLock | protected | property | The thread for which a lock was acquired. |
Comment::baseFieldDefinitions | public static | function | Provides base field definitions for an entity type. Overrides ContentEntityBase::baseFieldDefinitions |
Comment::bundleFieldDefinitions | public static | function | Provides field definitions for a specific bundle. Overrides ContentEntityBase::bundleFieldDefinitions |
Comment::getAuthorEmail | public | function | Returns the comment author's email address. Overrides CommentInterface::getAuthorEmail |
Comment::getAuthorName | public | function | Returns the comment author's name. Overrides CommentInterface::getAuthorName |
Comment::getCommentedEntity | public | function | Returns the entity to which the comment is attached. Overrides CommentInterface::getCommentedEntity |
Comment::getCommentedEntityId | public | function | Returns the ID of the entity to which the comment is attached. Overrides CommentInterface::getCommentedEntityId |
Comment::getCommentedEntityTypeId | public | function | Returns the type of the entity to which the comment is attached. Overrides CommentInterface::getCommentedEntityTypeId |
Comment::getCreatedTime | public | function | Returns the time that the comment was created. Overrides CommentInterface::getCreatedTime |
Comment::getFieldName | public | function | Returns the name of the field the comment is attached to. Overrides CommentInterface::getFieldName |
Comment::getHomepage | public | function | Returns the comment author's home page address. Overrides CommentInterface::getHomepage |
Comment::getHostname | public | function | Returns the comment author's hostname. Overrides CommentInterface::getHostname |
Comment::getOwner | public | function | Returns the entity owner's user entity. Overrides EntityOwnerInterface::getOwner |
Comment::getOwnerId | public | function | Returns the entity owner's user ID. Overrides EntityOwnerInterface::getOwnerId |
Comment::getParentComment | public | function | Returns the parent comment entity if this is a reply to a comment. Overrides CommentInterface::getParentComment |
Comment::getStatus | public | function | Returns the comment's status. Overrides CommentInterface::getStatus |
Comment::getSubject | public | function | Returns the subject of the comment. Overrides CommentInterface::getSubject |
Comment::getThread | public | function | Returns the alphadecimal representation of the comment's place in a thread. Overrides CommentInterface::getThread |
Comment::getTypeId | public | function | Get the comment type ID for this comment. Overrides CommentInterface::getTypeId |
Comment::hasParentComment | public | function | Determines if this comment is a reply to another comment. Overrides CommentInterface::hasParentComment |
Comment::isPublished | public | function | Checks if the comment is published. Overrides CommentInterface::isPublished |
Comment::permalink | public | function | Returns the permalink URL for this comment. Overrides CommentInterface::permalink |
Comment::postDelete | public static | function | Acts on deleted entities before the delete hook is invoked. Overrides Entity::postDelete |
Comment::postSave | public | function | Acts on a saved entity before the insert or update hook is invoked. Overrides Entity::postSave |
Comment::preCreate | public static | function | Changes the values of an entity before it is created. Overrides Entity::preCreate |
Comment::preSave | public | function | Acts on an entity before the presave hook is invoked. Overrides ContentEntityBase::preSave |
Comment::referencedEntities | public | function | Gets a list of entities referenced by this entity. Overrides ContentEntityBase::referencedEntities |
Comment::releaseThreadLock | protected | function | Release the lock acquired for the thread in preSave(). |
Comment::setAuthorName | public | function | Sets the name of the author of the comment. Overrides CommentInterface::setAuthorName |
Comment::setCreatedTime | public | function | Sets the creation date of the comment. Overrides CommentInterface::setCreatedTime |
Comment::setFieldName | public | function | Sets the field ID for which this comment is attached. Overrides CommentInterface::setFieldName |
Comment::setHomepage | public | function | Sets the comment author's home page address. Overrides CommentInterface::setHomepage |
Comment::setHostname | public | function | Sets the hostname of the author of the comment. Overrides CommentInterface::setHostname |
Comment::setOwner | public | function | Sets the entity owner's user entity. Overrides EntityOwnerInterface::setOwner |
Comment::setOwnerId | public | function | Sets the entity owner's user ID. Overrides EntityOwnerInterface::setOwnerId |
Comment::setPublished | public | function | Sets the published status of the comment entity. Overrides CommentInterface::setPublished |
Comment::setSubject | public | function | Sets the subject of the comment. Overrides CommentInterface::setSubject |
Comment::setThread | public | function | Sets the alphadecimal representation of the comment's place in a thread. Overrides CommentInterface::setThread |
CommentInterface::NOT_PUBLISHED | constant | Comment is awaiting approval. | |
CommentInterface::PUBLISHED | constant | Comment is published. | |
ContentEntityBase::$activeLangcode | protected | property | Language code identifying the entity active language. |
ContentEntityBase::$defaultLangcode | protected | property | Local cache for the default language code. |
ContentEntityBase::$defaultLangcodeKey | protected | property | The default langcode entity key. |
ContentEntityBase::$entityKeys | protected | property | Holds untranslatable entity keys such as the ID, bundle, and revision ID. |
ContentEntityBase::$fieldDefinitions | protected | property | Local cache for field definitions. |
ContentEntityBase::$fields | protected | property | The array of fields, each being an instance of FieldItemListInterface. |
ContentEntityBase::$isDefaultRevision | protected | property | Indicates whether this is the default revision. |
ContentEntityBase::$langcodeKey | protected | property | The language entity key. |
ContentEntityBase::$languages | protected | property | Local cache for the available language objects. |
ContentEntityBase::$newRevision | protected | property | Boolean indicating whether a new revision should be created on save. |
ContentEntityBase::$translatableEntityKeys | protected | property | Holds translatable entity keys such as the label. |
ContentEntityBase::$translationInitialize | protected | property | A flag indicating whether a translation object is being initialized. |
ContentEntityBase::$translations | protected | property | An array of entity translation metadata. |
ContentEntityBase::$validated | protected | property | Whether entity validation was performed. |
ContentEntityBase::$validationRequired | protected | property | Whether entity validation is required before saving the entity. |
ContentEntityBase::$values | protected | property | The plain data values of the contained fields. |
ContentEntityBase::access | public | function | Checks data value access. Overrides Entity::access |
ContentEntityBase::addTranslation | public | function | Adds a new translation to the translatable object. Overrides TranslatableInterface::addTranslation |
ContentEntityBase::bundle | public | function | Gets the bundle of the entity. Overrides Entity::bundle |
ContentEntityBase::clearTranslationCache | protected | function | Clear entity translation object cache to remove stale references. |
ContentEntityBase::createDuplicate | public | function | Creates a duplicate of the entity. Overrides Entity::createDuplicate |
ContentEntityBase::get | public | function | Gets a field item list. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::get |
ContentEntityBase::getEntityKey | protected | function | Gets the value of the given entity key, if defined. |
ContentEntityBase::getFieldDefinition | public | function | Gets the definition of a contained field. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::getFieldDefinition |
ContentEntityBase::getFieldDefinitions | public | function | Gets an array of field definitions of all contained fields. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::getFieldDefinitions |
ContentEntityBase::getFields | public | function | Gets an array of all field item lists. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::getFields |
ContentEntityBase::getIterator | public | function | |
ContentEntityBase::getLanguages | protected | function | |
ContentEntityBase::getRevisionId | public | function | Gets the revision identifier of the entity. Overrides RevisionableInterface::getRevisionId |
ContentEntityBase::getTranslatableFields | public | function | Gets an array of field item lists for translatable fields. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::getTranslatableFields |
ContentEntityBase::getTranslatedField | protected | function | Gets a translated field. |
ContentEntityBase::getTranslation | public | function | Gets a translation of the data. Overrides TranslatableInterface::getTranslation |
ContentEntityBase::getTranslationLanguages | public | function | Returns the languages the data is translated to. Overrides TranslatableInterface::getTranslationLanguages |
ContentEntityBase::getUntranslated | public | function | Returns the translatable object referring to the original language. Overrides TranslatableInterface::getUntranslated |
ContentEntityBase::hasField | public | function | Determines whether the entity has a field with the given name. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::hasField |
ContentEntityBase::hasTranslation | public | function | Returns TRUE there is a translation for the given language code. Overrides TranslatableInterface::hasTranslation |
ContentEntityBase::hasTranslationChanges | public | function | Determines if the current translation of the entity has unsaved changes. Overrides ContentEntityInterface::hasTranslationChanges |
ContentEntityBase::id | public | function | Gets the identifier. Overrides Entity::id |
ContentEntityBase::initializeTranslation | protected | function | Instantiates a translation object for an existing translation. |
ContentEntityBase::isDefaultRevision | public | function | Checks if this entity is the default revision. Overrides RevisionableInterface::isDefaultRevision |
ContentEntityBase::isDefaultTranslation | public | function | Checks whether the translation is the default one. Overrides TranslatableInterface::isDefaultTranslation |
ContentEntityBase::isNewRevision | public | function | Determines whether a new revision should be created on save. Overrides RevisionableInterface::isNewRevision |
ContentEntityBase::isNewTranslation | public | function | Checks whether the translation is new. Overrides TranslatableInterface::isNewTranslation |
ContentEntityBase::isRevisionTranslationAffected | public | function | Checks whether the current translation is affected by the current revision. Overrides ContentEntityInterface::isRevisionTranslationAffected |
ContentEntityBase::isTranslatable | public | function | Returns the translation support status. Overrides TranslatableInterface::isTranslatable |
ContentEntityBase::isValidationRequired | public | function | Checks whether entity validation is required before saving the entity. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::isValidationRequired |
ContentEntityBase::label | public | function | Gets the label of the entity. Overrides Entity::label |
ContentEntityBase::language | public | function | Gets the language of the entity. Overrides Entity::language |
ContentEntityBase::onChange | public | function | Reacts to changes to a field. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::onChange |
ContentEntityBase::postCreate | public | function | Acts on a created entity before hooks are invoked. Overrides Entity::postCreate |
ContentEntityBase::preSaveRevision | public | function | Acts on a revision before it gets saved. Overrides RevisionableInterface::preSaveRevision |
ContentEntityBase::removeTranslation | public | function | Removes the translation identified by the given language code. Overrides TranslatableInterface::removeTranslation |
ContentEntityBase::set | public | function | Sets a field value. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::set |
ContentEntityBase::setDefaultLangcode | protected | function | Populates the local cache for the default language code. |
ContentEntityBase::setNewRevision | public | function | Enforces an entity to be saved as a new revision. Overrides RevisionableInterface::setNewRevision |
ContentEntityBase::setRevisionTranslationAffected | public | function | Marks the current revision translation as affected. Overrides ContentEntityInterface::setRevisionTranslationAffected |
ContentEntityBase::setValidationRequired | public | function | Sets whether entity validation is required before saving the entity. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::setValidationRequired |
ContentEntityBase::toArray | public | function | Gets an array of all property values. Overrides Entity::toArray |
ContentEntityBase::TRANSLATION_CREATED | constant | Status code identifying a newly created translation. | |
ContentEntityBase::TRANSLATION_EXISTING | constant | Status code identifying an existing translation. | |
ContentEntityBase::TRANSLATION_REMOVED | constant | Status code identifying a removed translation. | |
ContentEntityBase::updateFieldLangcodes | protected | function | Updates language for already instantiated fields. |
ContentEntityBase::updateOriginalValues | public | function | Updates the original values with the interim changes. |
ContentEntityBase::uuid | public | function | Gets the entity UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). Overrides Entity::uuid |
ContentEntityBase::validate | public | function | Validates the currently set values. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::validate |
ContentEntityBase::__clone | public | function | Magic method: Implements a deep clone. |
ContentEntityBase::__construct | public | function | Constructs an Entity object. Overrides Entity::__construct |
ContentEntityBase::__get | public | function | Implements the magic method for getting object properties. |
ContentEntityBase::__isset | public | function | Implements the magic method for isset(). |
ContentEntityBase::__set | public | function | Implements the magic method for setting object properties. |
ContentEntityBase::__sleep | public | function | Overrides Entity::__sleep |
ContentEntityBase::__unset | public | function | Implements the magic method for unset(). |
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds | protected | property | An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization. |
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep | public | function | Aliased as: traitSleep |
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup | public | function | |
Entity::$enforceIsNew | protected | property | Boolean indicating whether the entity should be forced to be new. |
Entity::$entityTypeId | protected | property | The entity type. |
Entity::$typedData | protected | property | A typed data object wrapping this entity. |
Entity::create | public static | function | Constructs a new entity object, without permanently saving it. Overrides EntityInterface::create |
Entity::delete | public | function | Deletes an entity permanently. Overrides EntityInterface::delete |
Entity::enforceIsNew | public | function | Enforces an entity to be new. Overrides EntityInterface::enforceIsNew |
Entity::entityManager Deprecated | protected | function | Gets the entity manager. |
Entity::entityTypeManager | protected | function | Gets the entity type manager. |
Entity::getCacheContexts | public | function | The cache contexts associated with this object. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheContexts |
Entity::getCacheMaxAge | public | function | The maximum age for which this object may be cached. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheMaxAge |
Entity::getCacheTags | public | function | The cache tags associated with this object. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheTags |
Entity::getCacheTagsToInvalidate | public | function | Returns the cache tags that should be used to invalidate caches. Overrides EntityInterface::getCacheTagsToInvalidate |
Entity::getConfigDependencyKey | public | function | Gets the key that is used to store configuration dependencies. Overrides EntityInterface::getConfigDependencyKey |
Entity::getConfigDependencyName | public | function | Gets the configuration dependency name. Overrides EntityInterface::getConfigDependencyName |
Entity::getConfigTarget | public | function | Gets the configuration target identifier for the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::getConfigTarget |
Entity::getEntityType | public | function | Gets the entity type definition. Overrides EntityInterface::getEntityType |
Entity::getEntityTypeId | public | function | Gets the ID of the type of the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::getEntityTypeId |
Entity::getOriginalId | public | function | Gets the original ID. Overrides EntityInterface::getOriginalId |
Entity::getTypedData | public | function | Gets a typed data object for this entity object. Overrides EntityInterface::getTypedData |
Entity::hasLinkTemplate | public | function | Indicates if a link template exists for a given key. Overrides EntityInterface::hasLinkTemplate |
Entity::invalidateTagsOnDelete | protected static | function | Invalidates an entity's cache tags upon delete. |
Entity::invalidateTagsOnSave | protected | function | Invalidates an entity's cache tags upon save. |
Entity::isNew | public | function | Determines whether the entity is new. Overrides EntityInterface::isNew |
Entity::languageManager | protected | function | Gets the language manager. |
Entity::link | public | function | Deprecated way of generating a link to the entity. See toLink(). Overrides EntityInterface::link |
Entity::linkTemplates | protected | function | Gets an array link templates. |
Entity::load | public static | function | Loads an entity. Overrides EntityInterface::load |
Entity::loadMultiple | public static | function | Loads one or more entities. Overrides EntityInterface::loadMultiple |
Entity::postLoad | public static | function | Acts on loaded entities. Overrides EntityInterface::postLoad |
Entity::preDelete | public static | function | Acts on entities before they are deleted and before hooks are invoked. Overrides EntityInterface::preDelete |
Entity::save | public | function | Saves an entity permanently. Overrides EntityInterface::save |
Entity::setOriginalId | public | function | Sets the original ID. Overrides EntityInterface::setOriginalId |
Entity::toLink | public | function | Generates the HTML for a link to this entity. Overrides EntityInterface::toLink |
Entity::toUrl | public | function | Gets the URL object for the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::toUrl |
Entity::uriRelationships | public | function | Gets a list of URI relationships supported by this entity. Overrides EntityInterface::uriRelationships |
Entity::url | public | function | Gets the public URL for this entity. Overrides EntityInterface::url |
Entity::urlInfo | public | function | Gets the URL object for the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::urlInfo |
Entity::urlRouteParameters | protected | function | Gets an array of placeholders for this entity. |
Entity::uuidGenerator | protected | function | Gets the UUID generator. |
EntityChangedTrait::getChangedTime | public | function | Gets the timestamp of the last entity change for the current translation. Overrides EntityChangedInterface::getChangedTime |
EntityChangedTrait::getChangedTimeAcrossTranslations | public | function | Returns the timestamp of the last entity change across all translations. Overrides EntityChangedInterface::getChangedTimeAcrossTranslations |
EntityChangedTrait::setChangedTime | public | function | Sets the timestamp of the last entity change for the current translation. Overrides EntityChangedInterface::setChangedTime |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheContexts | protected | property | Cache contexts. |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheMaxAge | protected | property | Cache max-age. |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheTags | protected | property | Cache tags. |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheableDependency | public | function | Adds a dependency on an object: merges its cacheability metadata. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyInterface::addCacheableDependency |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheContexts | public | function | Adds cache contexts. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyInterface::addCacheContexts |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheTags | public | function | Adds cache tags. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyInterface::addCacheTags |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::mergeCacheMaxAge | public | function | Merges the maximum age (in seconds) with the existing maximum age. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyInterface::mergeCacheMaxAge |
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