
Returns cached responses as early and avoiding as much work as possible.

Dynamic Page Cache is able to cache so much because it utilizes cache contexts: the cache contexts that are present capture the variations of every component of the page. That, combined with the fact that cacheability metadata is bubbled, means that the cache contexts at the page level represent the complete set of contexts that the page varies by.

The reason Dynamic Page Cache is implemented as two event subscribers (a late REQUEST subscriber immediately after routing for cache hits, and an early RESPONSE subscriber for cache misses) is because many cache contexts can only be evaluated after routing. (Examples: 'user', 'user.permissions', 'route' …) Consequently, it is impossible to implement Dynamic Page Cache as a kernel middleware that simply caches per URL.


See also




core/modules/dynamic_page_cache/src/EventSubscriber/DynamicPageCacheSubscriber.php, line 35




Name Modifiers Type Description
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::$dynamicPageCacheRedirectRenderArray protected property Dynamic Page Cache's redirect render array.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::$renderCache protected property The render cache.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::$rendererConfig protected property The renderer configuration array.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::$requestPolicy protected property A request policy rule determining the cacheability of a response.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::$requestPolicyResults protected property Internal cache of request policy results.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::$responsePolicy protected property A response policy rule determining the cacheability of the response.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents public static function Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to. Overrides EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::HEADER constant Name of Dynamic Page Cache's response header.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::onResponse public function Stores a response in case of a Dynamic Page Cache miss, if cacheable.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::onRouteMatch public function Sets a response in case of a Dynamic Page Cache hit.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::renderArrayToResponse protected function Gets the embedded Response object in a render array.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::responseToRenderArray protected function Embeds a Response object in a render array so that RenderCache can cache it.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::shouldCacheResponse protected function Whether the given response should be cached by Dynamic Page Cache.
DynamicPageCacheSubscriber::__construct public function Constructs a new DynamicPageCacheSubscriber object.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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