
Defines an interface for node entity storage classes.



core/modules/node/src/NodeStorageInterface.php, line 12




Name Modifiers Type Description
ContentEntityStorageInterface::createTranslation public function Constructs a new entity translation object, without permanently saving it.
EntityStorageInterface::create public function Constructs a new entity object, without permanently saving it.
EntityStorageInterface::delete public function Deletes permanently saved entities.
EntityStorageInterface::deleteRevision public function Delete a specific entity revision.
EntityStorageInterface::FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT constant Load the most recent version of an entity's field data. Overrides EntityStorageInterface::FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT
EntityStorageInterface::FIELD_LOAD_REVISION constant Load the version of an entity's field data specified in the entity. Overrides EntityStorageInterface::FIELD_LOAD_REVISION
EntityStorageInterface::getAggregateQuery public function Gets an aggregated query instance.
EntityStorageInterface::getEntityType public function Gets the entity type definition.
EntityStorageInterface::getEntityTypeId public function Gets the entity type ID.
EntityStorageInterface::getQuery public function Gets an entity query instance.
EntityStorageInterface::load public function Loads one entity.
EntityStorageInterface::loadByProperties public function Load entities by their property values.
EntityStorageInterface::loadMultiple public function Loads one or more entities.
EntityStorageInterface::loadRevision public function Load a specific entity revision.
EntityStorageInterface::loadUnchanged public function Loads an unchanged entity from the database.
EntityStorageInterface::resetCache public function Resets the internal, static entity cache.
EntityStorageInterface::save public function Saves the entity permanently.
NodeStorageInterface::clearRevisionsLanguage public function Unsets the language for all nodes with the given language.
NodeStorageInterface::countDefaultLanguageRevisions public function Counts the number of revisions in the default language.
NodeStorageInterface::revisionIds public function Gets a list of node revision IDs for a specific node.
NodeStorageInterface::updateType public function Updates all nodes of one type to be of another type.
NodeStorageInterface::userRevisionIds public function Gets a list of revision IDs having a given user as node author.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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