
Builds up the routes of all views.

The general idea is to execute first all alter hooks to determine which routes are overridden by views. This information is used to determine which views have to be added by views in the dynamic event.


See also



core/modules/views/src/EventSubscriber/RouteSubscriber.php, line 24




Name Modifiers Type Description
RouteSubscriber::$state protected property The state key value store.
RouteSubscriber::$viewRouteNames protected property Stores an array of route names keyed by view_id.display_id.
RouteSubscriber::$viewsDisplayPairs protected property Stores a list of view,display IDs which haven't be used in the alter event.
RouteSubscriber::$viewStorage protected property The view storage.
RouteSubscriber::alterRoutes protected function Alters existing routes for a specific collection. Overrides RouteSubscriberBase::alterRoutes
RouteSubscriber::getApplicableViews protected function Returns all views/display combinations with routes.
RouteSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents public static function Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to. Overrides RouteSubscriberBase::getSubscribedEvents
RouteSubscriber::getViewsDisplayIDsWithRoute protected function Gets all the views and display IDs using a route.
RouteSubscriber::reset public function Resets the internal state of the route subscriber.
RouteSubscriber::routeRebuildFinished public function
RouteSubscriber::routes public function Returns a set of route objects.
RouteSubscriber::__construct public function Constructs a \Drupal\views\EventSubscriber\RouteSubscriber instance.
RouteSubscriberBase::onAlterRoutes public function Delegates the route altering to self::alterRoutes().
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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