
Static service container wrapper for views.


  • class \Drupal\views\Views


core/modules/views/src/Views.php, line 8




Name Modifiers Type Description
Views::$handlerTypes protected static property A static cache for handler types data.
Views::$plugins protected static property A list of all available views plugin types.
Views::$translationManager protected static property The translation manager.
Views::analyzer public static function Returns the view analyzer.
Views::executableFactory public static function Returns the view executable factory service.
Views::fetchPluginNames public static function Fetches a list of all base tables available
Views::getAllViews public static function Returns an array of all views as fully loaded $view objects.
Views::getApplicableViews public static function Return a list of all view IDs and display IDs that have a particular setting in their display's plugin settings.
Views::getDisabledViews public static function Returns an array of all disabled views.
Views::getEnabledDisplayExtenders public static function Gets enabled display extenders.
Views::getEnabledViews public static function Returns an array of all enabled views.
Views::getHandlerTypes public static function Provide a list of views handler types used in a view, with some information about them.
Views::getPluginDefinitions public static function Gets all the views plugin definitions.
Views::getPluginTypes public static function Returns a list of plugin types.
Views::getView public static function Loads a view from configuration and returns its executable object.
Views::getViewsAsOptions public static function Returns an array of view as options array, that can be used by select, checkboxes and radios as #options.
Views::handlerManager public static function Returns the plugin manager for a certain views handler type.
Views::pluginList public static function Returns a list of plugins and metadata about them.
Views::pluginManager public static function Returns the plugin manager for a certain views plugin type.
Views::t protected static function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.
Views::viewsData public static function Returns the views data service.
Views::viewsDataHelper public static function Returns the views data helper service.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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