(PHP 5, PHP 7) Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a symbolic link
(PHP 5, PHP 7) Move forward to next DirectoryIterator item
(PHP 5, PHP 7) Get owner of current DirectoryIterator item
(PHP 5, PHP 7) Get group for the current DirectoryIterator item
(PHP 5, PHP 7) Get the permissions of current DirectoryIterator item
(PHP 5, PHP 7) Return the key for the current DirectoryIterator item
(PHP 5 >= 5.2.2, PHP 7) Get base name of current DirectoryIterator item.
(PHP 5, PHP 7) Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a directory
(PHP 5, PHP 7) Check whether current DirectoryIterator position is a valid file
(PHP 5, PHP 7) Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is executable
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