ChoiceList deprecated

class ChoiceList implements ChoiceListInterface


since version 2.7, to be removed in 3.0. Use {@link \Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\ArrayChoiceList} instead.

A choice list for choices of arbitrary data types.

Choices and labels are passed in two arrays. The indices of the choices and the labels should match. Choices may also be given as hierarchy of unlimited depth by creating nested arrays. The title of the sub-hierarchy can be stored in the array key pointing to the nested array. The topmost level of the hierarchy may also be a \Traversable.

$choices = array(true, false); $labels = array('Agree', 'Disagree'); $choiceList = new ArrayChoiceList($choices, $labels);


__construct(array|Traversable $choices, array $labels, array $preferredChoices = array())

Creates a new choice list.

array getChoices()

Returns the list of choices.

array getValues()

Returns the values for the choices.

array getPreferredViews()

Returns the choice views of the preferred choices as nested array with the choice groups as top-level keys.

array getRemainingViews()

Returns the choice views of the choices that are not preferred as nested array with the choice groups as top-level keys.

array getChoicesForValues(array $values)

Returns the choices corresponding to the given values.

array getValuesForChoices(array $choices)

Returns the values corresponding to the given choices.

array getIndicesForChoices(array $choices) deprecated

Returns the indices corresponding to the given choices.

array getIndicesForValues(array $values) deprecated

Returns the indices corresponding to the given values.


__construct(array|Traversable $choices, array $labels, array $preferredChoices = array())

Creates a new choice list.


array|Traversable $choices The array of choices. Choices may also be given as hierarchy of unlimited depth. Hierarchies are created by creating nested arrays. The title of the sub-hierarchy can be stored in the array key pointing to the nested array. The topmost level of the hierarchy may also be a \Traversable.
array $labels The array of labels. The structure of this array should match the structure of $choices.
array $preferredChoices A flat array of choices that should be presented to the user with priority.


UnexpectedTypeException If the choices are not an array or \Traversable.

array getChoices()

Returns the list of choices.

Return Value

array The choices with their indices as keys

array getValues()

Returns the values for the choices.

Return Value

array The values with the corresponding choice indices as keys

array getPreferredViews()

Returns the choice views of the preferred choices as nested array with the choice groups as top-level keys.


array( 'Group 1' => array( 10 => ChoiceView object, 20 => ChoiceView object, ), 'Group 2' => array( 30 => ChoiceView object, ), )

Return Value

array A nested array containing the views with the corresponding choice indices as keys on the lowest levels and the choice group names in the keys of the higher levels

array getRemainingViews()

Returns the choice views of the choices that are not preferred as nested array with the choice groups as top-level keys.


array( 'Group 1' => array( 10 => ChoiceView object, 20 => ChoiceView object, ), 'Group 2' => array( 30 => ChoiceView object, ), )

Return Value

array A nested array containing the views with the corresponding choice indices as keys on the lowest levels and the choice group names in the keys of the higher levels

array getChoicesForValues(array $values)

Returns the choices corresponding to the given values.

The choices can have any data type.

The choices must be returned with the same keys and in the same order as the corresponding values in the given array.


array $values An array of choice values. Not existing values in this array are ignored

Return Value

array An array of choices with ascending, 0-based numeric keys

array getValuesForChoices(array $choices)

Returns the values corresponding to the given choices.

The values must be strings.

The values must be returned with the same keys and in the same order as the corresponding choices in the given array.


array $choices An array of choices. Not existing choices in this array are ignored

Return Value

array An array of choice values with ascending, 0-based numeric keys

array getIndicesForChoices(array $choices) deprecated


since version 2.4, to be removed in 3.0.

Returns the indices corresponding to the given choices.

The indices must be positive integers or strings accepted by {@link \Symfony\Component\Form\FormConfigBuilder::validateName()}.

The index "placeholder" is internally reserved.

The indices must be returned with the same keys and in the same order as the corresponding choices in the given array.


array $choices An array of choices. Not existing choices in this array are ignored

Return Value

array An array of indices with ascending, 0-based numeric keys

array getIndicesForValues(array $values) deprecated


since version 2.4, to be removed in 3.0.

Returns the indices corresponding to the given values.

The indices must be positive integers or strings accepted by {@link \Symfony\Component\Form\FormConfigBuilder::validateName()}.

The index "placeholder" is internally reserved.

The indices must be returned with the same keys and in the same order as the corresponding values in the given array.


array $values An array of choice values. Not existing values in this array are ignored

Return Value

array An array of indices with ascending, 0-based numeric keys
2016-10-28 06:08:35
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