web\AssetConverter $commands

$commands public property

The commands that are used to perform the asset conversion. The keys are the asset file extension names, and the values are the corresponding target script types (either "css" or "js") and the commands used for the conversion.

You may also use a path alias to specify the location of the command:

    'styl' => ['css', '@app/node_modules/bin/stylus < {from} > {to}'],
public array $commands = ['less' => ['css', 'lessc {from} {to} --no-color --source-map'], 'scss' => ['css', 'sass {from} {to} --sourcemap'], 'sass' => ['css', 'sass {from} {to} --sourcemap'], 'styl' => ['css', 'stylus < {from} > {to}'], 'coffee' => ['js', 'coffee -p {from} > {to}'], 'ts' => ['js', 'tsc --out {to} {from}']]
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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