

Inheritance diagram of matplotlib.collections


Classes for the efficient drawing of large collections of objects that share most properties, e.g., a large number of line segments or polygons.

The classes are not meant to be as flexible as their single element counterparts (e.g., you may not be able to select all line styles) but they are meant to be fast for common use cases (e.g., a large set of solid line segemnts)

class matplotlib.collections.AsteriskPolygonCollection(numsides, rotation=0, sizes=(1, ), **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections.RegularPolyCollection

Draw a collection of regular asterisks with numsides points.

the number of sides of the polygon
the rotation of the polygon in radians

gives the area of the circle circumscribing the regular polygon in points^2

Valid Collection keyword arguments:

offsets and transOffset are used to translate the patch after rendering (default no offsets)

If any of edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, antialiaseds are None, they default to their matplotlib.rcParams patch setting, in sequence form.

Example: see examples/ for complete example:

offsets = np.random.rand(20,2)
facecolors = [cm.jet(x) for x in np.random.rand(20)]
black = (0,0,0,1)

collection = RegularPolyCollection(
    numsides=5, # a pentagon
    rotation=0, sizes=(50,),
    facecolors = facecolors,
    edgecolors = (black,),
    linewidths = (1,),
    offsets = offsets,
    transOffset = ax.transData,

Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sizes of the elements in the collection. The value represents the ?area? of the element.


sizes : array

The ?area? of each element.


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sizes(sizes, dpi=72.0)

Set the sizes of each member of the collection.


sizes : ndarray or None

The size to set for each element of the collection. The value is the ?area? of the element.

dpi : float

The dpi of the canvas. Defaults to 72.0.

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.BrokenBarHCollection(xranges, yrange, **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection

A collection of horizontal bars spanning yrange with a sequence of xranges.

sequence of (xmin, xwidth)

ymin, ywidth

Valid Collection keyword arguments:

offsets and transOffset are used to translate the patch after rendering (default no offsets)

If any of edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, antialiaseds are None, they default to their matplotlib.rcParams patch setting, in sequence form.


Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sizes of the elements in the collection. The value represents the ?area? of the element.


sizes : array

The ?area? of each element.


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.

set_paths(verts, closed=True)

This allows one to delay initialization of the vertices.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sizes(sizes, dpi=72.0)

Set the sizes of each member of the collection.


sizes : ndarray or None

The size to set for each element of the collection. The value is the ?area? of the element.

dpi : float

The dpi of the canvas. Defaults to 72.0.

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string

set_verts(verts, closed=True)

This allows one to delay initialization of the vertices.

set_verts_and_codes(verts, codes)

This allows one to initialize vertices with path codes.


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number

static span_where(x, ymin, ymax, where, **kwargs)

Create a BrokenBarHCollection to plot horizontal bars from over the regions in x where where is True. The bars range on the y-axis from ymin to ymax

A BrokenBarHCollection is returned. kwargs are passed on to the collection.


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.CircleCollection(sizes, **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections._CollectionWithSizes

A collection of circles, drawn using splines.

sizes Gives the area of the circle in points^2

Valid Collection keyword arguments:

offsets and transOffset are used to translate the patch after rendering (default no offsets)

If any of edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, antialiaseds are None, they default to their matplotlib.rcParams patch setting, in sequence form.


Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sizes of the elements in the collection. The value represents the ?area? of the element.


sizes : array

The ?area? of each element.


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sizes(sizes, dpi=72.0)

Set the sizes of each member of the collection.


sizes : ndarray or None

The size to set for each element of the collection. The value is the ?area? of the element.

dpi : float

The dpi of the canvas. Defaults to 72.0.

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.Collection(edgecolors=None, facecolors=None, linewidths=None, linestyles='solid', antialiaseds=None, offsets=None, transOffset=None, norm=None, cmap=None, pickradius=5.0, hatch=None, urls=None, offset_position='screen', zorder=1, **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.artist.Artist,

Base class for Collections. Must be subclassed to be usable.

All properties in a collection must be sequences or scalars; if scalars, they will be converted to sequences. The property of the ith element of the collection is:

prop[i % len(props)]

Keyword arguments and default values:

  • edgecolors: None
  • facecolors: None
  • linewidths: None
  • antialiaseds: None
  • offsets: None
  • transOffset: transforms.IdentityTransform()
  • offset_position: ?screen? (default) or ?data?
  • norm: None (optional for
  • cmap: None (optional for
  • hatch: None
  • zorder: 1

offsets and transOffset are used to translate the patch after rendering (default no offsets). If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.

If any of edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, antialiaseds are None, they default to their matplotlib.rcParams patch setting, in sequence form.

The use of ScalarMappable is optional. If the ScalarMappable matrix _A is not None (i.e., a call to set_array has been made), at draw time a call to scalar mappable will be made to set the face colors.

Create a Collection



Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.EllipseCollection(widths, heights, angles, units='points', **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections.Collection

A collection of ellipses, drawn using splines.

widths: sequence
lengths of first axes (e.g., major axis lengths)
heights: sequence
lengths of second axes
angles: sequence
angles of first axes, degrees CCW from the X-axis

units: [?points? | ?inches? | ?dots? | ?width? | ?height? | ?x? | ?y? | ?xy?]

units in which majors and minors are given; ?width? and ?height? refer to the dimensions of the axes, while ?x? and ?y? refer to the offsets data units. ?xy? differs from all others in that the angle as plotted varies with the aspect ratio, and equals the specified angle only when the aspect ratio is unity. Hence it behaves the same as the Ellipse with axes.transData as its transform.

Additional kwargs inherited from the base Collection:

Valid Collection keyword arguments:

offsets and transOffset are used to translate the patch after rendering (default no offsets)

If any of edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, antialiaseds are None, they default to their matplotlib.rcParams patch setting, in sequence form.


Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.EventCollection(positions, orientation=None, lineoffset=0, linelength=1, linewidth=None, color=None, linestyle='solid', antialiased=None, **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections.LineCollection

A collection of discrete events.

An event is a 1-dimensional value, usually the position of something along an axis, such as time or length. Events do not have an amplitude. They are displayed as v

a sequence of numerical values or a 1D numpy array. Can be None
orientation [ ?horizontal? | ?vertical? | None ]
defaults to ?horizontal? if not specified or None
a single numerical value, corresponding to the offset of the center of the markers from the origin
a single numerical value, corresponding to the total height of the marker (i.e. the marker stretches from lineoffset+linelength/2 to lineoffset-linelength/2). Defaults to 1
a single numerical value
must be a sequence of RGBA tuples (e.g., arbitrary color strings, etc, not allowed).

linestyle [ ?solid? | ?dashed? | ?dashdot? | ?dotted? ]

1 or 2

If linewidth, color, or antialiased is None, they default to their rcParams setting, in sequence form.

None (optional for
None (optional for

pickradius is the tolerance for mouse clicks picking a line. The default is 5 pt.

The use of ScalarMappable is optional. If the ScalarMappable array _A is not None (i.e., a call to set_array() has been made), at draw time a call to scalar mappable will be made to set the colors.


(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.


add one or more events at the specified positions

aname = 'Artist'

add one or more events at the specified positions


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)

add one or more events at the specified positions

findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


get the color of the lines used to mark each event


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


get the length of the lines used to mark each event


get the offset of the lines used to mark each event


get the style of the lines used to mark each event [ ?solid? | ?dashed? | ?dashdot? | ?dotted? ]


get the width of the lines used to mark each event


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


get the orientation of the event line, may be: [ ?horizontal? | ?vertical? ]


Return the picker object used by this artist


return an array containing the floating-point values of the positions


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


True if the eventcollection is horizontal, False if vertical


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set the color(s) of the line collection. c can be a matplotlib color arg (all patches have same color), or a sequence or rgba tuples; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples


Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


set the length of the lines used to mark each event


set the offset of the lines used to mark each event


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set the orientation of the event line [ ?horizontal? | ?vertical? | None ] defaults to ?horizontal? if not specified or None


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


set the positions of the events to the specified value


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.


switch the orientation of the event line, either from vertical to horizontal or vice versus

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.LineCollection(segments, linewidths=None, colors=None, antialiaseds=None, linestyles='solid', offsets=None, transOffset=None, norm=None, cmap=None, pickradius=5, zorder=2, facecolors='none', **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections.Collection

All parameters must be sequences or scalars; if scalars, they will be converted to sequences. The property of the ith line segment is:

prop[i % len(props)]

i.e., the properties cycle if the len of props is less than the number of segments.


a sequence of (line0, line1, line2), where:

linen = (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ... (xm, ym)

or the equivalent numpy array with two columns. Each line can be a different length.

must be a sequence of RGBA tuples (e.g., arbitrary color strings, etc, not allowed).
must be a sequence of ones or zeros
linestyles [ ?solid? | ?dashed? | ?dashdot? | ?dotted? ]

a string or dash tuple. The dash tuple is:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

If linewidths, colors, or antialiaseds is None, they default to their rcParams setting, in sequence form.

If offsets and transOffset are not None, then offsets are transformed by transOffset and applied after the segments have been transformed to display coordinates.

If offsets is not None but transOffset is None, then the offsets are added to the segments before any transformation. In this case, a single offset can be specified as:


and this value will be added cumulatively to each successive segment, so as to produce a set of successively offset curves.

None (optional for
None (optional for

pickradius is the tolerance for mouse clicks picking a line. The default is 5 pt.

The zorder of the LineCollection. Default is 2
The facecolors of the LineCollection. Default is ?none? Setting to a value other than ?none? will lead to a filled polygon being drawn between points on each line.

The use of ScalarMappable is optional. If the ScalarMappable array _A is not None (i.e., a call to set_array() has been made), at draw time a call to scalar mappable will be made to set the colors.


Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set the color(s) of the line collection. c can be a matplotlib color arg (all patches have same color), or a sequence or rgba tuples; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples


Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection(patches, match_original=False, **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections.Collection

A generic collection of patches.

This makes it easier to assign a color map to a heterogeneous collection of patches.

This also may improve plotting speed, since PatchCollection will draw faster than a large number of patches.

a sequence of Patch objects. This list may include a heterogeneous assortment of different patch types.
If True, use the colors and linewidths of the original patches. If False, new colors may be assigned by providing the standard collection arguments, facecolor, edgecolor, linewidths, norm or cmap.

If any of edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, antialiaseds are None, they default to their matplotlib.rcParams patch setting, in sequence form.

The use of ScalarMappable is optional. If the ScalarMappable matrix _A is not None (i.e., a call to set_array has been made), at draw time a call to scalar mappable will be made to set the face colors.


Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.PathCollection(paths, sizes=None, **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections._CollectionWithSizes

This is the most basic Collection subclass.

paths is a sequence of matplotlib.path.Path instances.

Valid Collection keyword arguments:

offsets and transOffset are used to translate the patch after rendering (default no offsets)

If any of edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, antialiaseds are None, they default to their matplotlib.rcParams patch setting, in sequence form.


Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sizes of the elements in the collection. The value represents the ?area? of the element.


sizes : array

The ?area? of each element.


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sizes(sizes, dpi=72.0)

Set the sizes of each member of the collection.


sizes : ndarray or None

The size to set for each element of the collection. The value is the ?area? of the element.

dpi : float

The dpi of the canvas. Defaults to 72.0.

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(verts, sizes=None, closed=True, **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections._CollectionWithSizes

verts is a sequence of ( verts0, verts1, ...) where verts_i is a sequence of xy tuples of vertices, or an equivalent numpy array of shape (nv, 2).

sizes is None (default) or a sequence of floats that scale the corresponding verts_i. The scaling is applied before the Artist master transform; if the latter is an identity transform, then the overall scaling is such that if verts_i specify a unit square, then sizes_i is the area of that square in points^2. If len(sizes) < nv, the additional values will be taken cyclically from the array.

closed, when True, will explicitly close the polygon.

Valid Collection keyword arguments:

offsets and transOffset are used to translate the patch after rendering (default no offsets)

If any of edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, antialiaseds are None, they default to their matplotlib.rcParams patch setting, in sequence form.


Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sizes of the elements in the collection. The value represents the ?area? of the element.


sizes : array

The ?area? of each element.


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.

set_paths(verts, closed=True)

This allows one to delay initialization of the vertices.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sizes(sizes, dpi=72.0)

Set the sizes of each member of the collection.


sizes : ndarray or None

The size to set for each element of the collection. The value is the ?area? of the element.

dpi : float

The dpi of the canvas. Defaults to 72.0.

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string

set_verts(verts, closed=True)

This allows one to delay initialization of the vertices.

set_verts_and_codes(verts, codes)

This allows one to initialize vertices with path codes.


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh(meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates, antialiased=True, shading='flat', **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections.Collection

Class for the efficient drawing of a quadrilateral mesh.

A quadrilateral mesh consists of a grid of vertices. The dimensions of this array are (meshWidth + 1, meshHeight + 1). Each vertex in the mesh has a different set of ?mesh coordinates? representing its position in the topology of the mesh. For any values (m, n) such that 0 <= m <= meshWidth and 0 <= n <= meshHeight, the vertices at mesh coordinates (m, n), (m, n + 1), (m + 1, n + 1), and (m + 1, n) form one of the quadrilaterals in the mesh. There are thus (meshWidth * meshHeight) quadrilaterals in the mesh. The mesh need not be regular and the polygons need not be convex.

A quadrilateral mesh is represented by a (2 x ((meshWidth + 1) * (meshHeight + 1))) numpy array coordinates, where each row is the x and y coordinates of one of the vertices. To define the function that maps from a data point to its corresponding color, use the set_cmap() method. Each of these arrays is indexed in row-major order by the mesh coordinates of the vertex (or the mesh coordinates of the lower left vertex, in the case of the colors).

For example, the first entry in coordinates is the coordinates of the vertex at mesh coordinates (0, 0), then the one at (0, 1), then at (0, 2) .. (0, meshWidth), (1, 0), (1, 1), and so on.

shading may be ?flat?, or ?gouraud?


Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.

static convert_mesh_to_paths(meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates)

Converts a given mesh into a sequence of matplotlib.path.Path objects for easier rendering by backends that do not directly support quadmeshes.

This function is primarily of use to backend implementers.

convert_mesh_to_triangles(meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates)

Converts a given mesh into a sequence of triangles, each point with its own color. This is useful for experiments using draw_qouraud_triangle.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.RegularPolyCollection(numsides, rotation=0, sizes=(1, ), **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections._CollectionWithSizes

Draw a collection of regular polygons with numsides.

the number of sides of the polygon
the rotation of the polygon in radians

gives the area of the circle circumscribing the regular polygon in points^2

Valid Collection keyword arguments:

offsets and transOffset are used to translate the patch after rendering (default no offsets)

If any of edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, antialiaseds are None, they default to their matplotlib.rcParams patch setting, in sequence form.

Example: see examples/ for complete example:

offsets = np.random.rand(20,2)
facecolors = [cm.jet(x) for x in np.random.rand(20)]
black = (0,0,0,1)

collection = RegularPolyCollection(
    numsides=5, # a pentagon
    rotation=0, sizes=(50,),
    facecolors = facecolors,
    edgecolors = (black,),
    linewidths = (1,),
    offsets = offsets,
    transOffset = ax.transData,

Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sizes of the elements in the collection. The value represents the ?area? of the element.


sizes : array

The ?area? of each element.


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sizes(sizes, dpi=72.0)

Set the sizes of each member of the collection.


sizes : ndarray or None

The size to set for each element of the collection. The value is the ?area? of the element.

dpi : float

The dpi of the canvas. Defaults to 72.0.

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.StarPolygonCollection(numsides, rotation=0, sizes=(1, ), **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections.RegularPolyCollection

Draw a collection of regular stars with numsides points.

the number of sides of the polygon
the rotation of the polygon in radians

gives the area of the circle circumscribing the regular polygon in points^2

Valid Collection keyword arguments:

offsets and transOffset are used to translate the patch after rendering (default no offsets)

If any of edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, antialiaseds are None, they default to their matplotlib.rcParams patch setting, in sequence form.

Example: see examples/ for complete example:

offsets = np.random.rand(20,2)
facecolors = [cm.jet(x) for x in np.random.rand(20)]
black = (0,0,0,1)

collection = RegularPolyCollection(
    numsides=5, # a pentagon
    rotation=0, sizes=(50,),
    facecolors = facecolors,
    edgecolors = (black,),
    linewidths = (1,),
    offsets = offsets,
    transOffset = ax.transData,

Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sizes of the elements in the collection. The value represents the ?area? of the element.


sizes : array

The ?area? of each element.


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sizes(sizes, dpi=72.0)

Set the sizes of each member of the collection.


sizes : ndarray or None

The size to set for each element of the collection. The value is the ?area? of the element.

dpi : float

The dpi of the canvas. Defaults to 72.0.

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
class matplotlib.collections.TriMesh(triangulation, **kwargs)

Bases: matplotlib.collections.Collection

Class for the efficient drawing of a triangular mesh using Gouraud shading.

A triangular mesh is a Triangulation object.


Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist?s properties changes.

Returns an id that is useful for removing the callback with remove_callback() later.


Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags that are set to True when the mappable is changed.

aname = 'Artist'

Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array


Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the current array, changing only limits that are None


The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.


Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the callbackSM listeners to the ?changed? signal


If mappable has changed since the last check, return True; else return False


Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.

Returns True | False, dict(ind=itemlist), where every item in itemlist contains the event.

static convert_mesh_to_paths(tri)

Converts a given mesh into a sequence of matplotlib.path.Path objects for easier rendering by backends that do not directly support meshes.

This function is primarily of use to backend implementers.


For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support, convert x using xaxis unit type


For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support, convert y using yaxis unit type

draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
findobj(match=None, include_self=True)

Find artist objects.

Recursively find all Artist instances contained in self.

match can be

  • None: return all objects contained in artist.
  • function with signature boolean = match(artist) used to filter matches
  • class instance: e.g., Line2D. Only return artists of class type.

If include_self is True (default), include self in the list to be checked for a match.


Return cursor data string formatted.


return filter function to be used for agg filter


Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends


Return the artist?s animated state


Return the array


Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.


Return a list of the child Artist`s this :class:`Artist contains.


return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling


Return artist clipbox


Return whether artist uses clipping


Return artist clip path


return the colormap


Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.


Get the cursor data for a given event.


Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.


return whether fill is set


Returns the group id


Return the current hatching pattern


Get the label used for this artist in the legend.


Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If offset_position is ?screen?, the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Return the offsets for the collection.


Return the picker object used by this artist


return True if the artist is to be rasterized


Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.


sketch_params : tuple or None

A 3-tuple with the following elements:

  • scale: The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line.
  • length: The length of the wiggle along the line.
  • randomness: The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded.

May return None if no sketch parameters were set.


Returns the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Return the Transform instance used by this artist.


Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.


Returns the url


Return the artist?s visiblity


Return the Artist?s zorder.


Return True if units are set on the x or y axes


List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.


Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.


Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.


Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.


call signature:


each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set


Return True if Artist is pickable.


return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props


Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle(). Call matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim() to update the axes limits if desired.

Note: relim() will not see collections even if the collection was added to axes with autolim = True.

Note: there is no support for removing the artist?s legend entry.


Remove a callback based on its id.

See also

For adding callbacks

A property batch setter. Pass kwargs to set properties. Will handle property name collisions (e.g., if both ?color? and ?facecolor? are specified, the property with higher priority gets set last).


set agg_filter fuction.


Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.

ACCEPTS: float or None


Set the artist?s animation state.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the antialiasing state for rendering.

ACCEPTS: Boolean or sequence of booleans


alias for set_antialiased


Set the image array from numpy array A


Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.

This has been deprecated in mpl 1.5, please use the axes property. Will be removed in 1.7 or 2.0.

ACCEPTS: an Axes instance

set_clim(vmin=None, vmax=None)

set the norm limits for image scaling; if vmin is a length2 sequence, interpret it as (vmin, vmax) which is used to support setp

ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats


Set the artist?s clip Bbox.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance


Set whether artist uses clipping.

When False artists will be visible out side of the axes which can lead to unexpected results.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]

set_clip_path(path, transform=None)

Set the artist?s clip path, which may be:

  • a Patch (or subclass) instance
  • a Path instance, in which case

    an optional Transform instance may be provided, which will be applied to the path before using it for clipping.

  • None, to remove the clipping path

For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to None.

ACCEPTS: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ]


set the colormap for luminance data

ACCEPTS: a colormap or registered colormap name


Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples

See also

set_facecolor(), set_edgecolor()
For setting the edge or face color individually.

Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker should be a callable function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

If the mouse event is over the artist, return hit = True and props is a dictionary of properties you want returned with the contains test.

ACCEPTS: a callable function


alias for set_linestyle


Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?face?, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is ?none?, the patch boundary will not be drawn.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_edgecolor


Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.

If c is ?none?, the patch will not be filled.

ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs


alias for set_facecolor


Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.

ACCEPTS: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance


Sets the (group) id for the artist

ACCEPTS: an id string


Set the hatching pattern

hatch can be one of:

/   - diagonal hatching
\   - back diagonal
|   - vertical
-   - horizontal
+   - crossed
x   - crossed diagonal
o   - small circle
O   - large circle
.   - dots
*   - stars

Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the density of hatching of that pattern.

Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends only.

Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately for each member.

ACCEPTS: [ ?/? | ?\? | ?|? | ?-? | ?+? | ?x? | ?o? | ?O? | ?.? | ?*? ]


Set the label to s for auto legend.

ACCEPTS: string or anything printable with ?%s? conversion.


Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.

linestyle description
'-' or 'solid' solid line
'--' or 'dashed' dashed line
'-.' or 'dashdot' dash-dotted line
':' or 'dotted' dotted line

Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided:

(offset, onoffseq),

where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.

ACCEPTS: [?solid? | ?dashed?, ?dashdot?, ?dotted? |
(offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']

ls : { ?-?, ???, ?-.?, ?:?} and more see description

The line style.


alias for set_linestyle


Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. lw can be a scalar or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


alias for set_linewidth


alias for set_linewidth


set the normalization instance


Set how offsets are applied. If offset_position is ?screen? (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If offset_position is ?data?, the offset is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.


Set the offsets for the collection. offsets can be a scalar or a sequence.

ACCEPTS: float or sequence of floats


set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of matplotlib.patheffect._Base class or its derivatives.


Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist

picker can be one of the following:

  • None: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
  • A boolean: if True then picking will be enabled and the artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over the artist
  • A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire off an event if it?s data is within epsilon of the mouse event. For some artists like lines and patch collections, the artist may provide additional data to the pick event that is generated, e.g., the indices of the data within epsilon of the pick event
  • A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied function which determines whether the artist is hit by the mouse event:

    hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)

    to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the artist, return hit=True and props is a dictionary of properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.

ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]


Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.

Defaults to None, which implies the backend?s default behavior

ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]

set_sketch_params(scale=None, length=None, randomness=None)

Sets the sketch parameters.


scale : float, optional

The amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the source line, in pixels. If scale is None, or not provided, no sketch filter will be provided.

length : float, optional

The length of the wiggle along the line, in pixels (default 128.0)

randomness : float, optional

The scale factor by which the length is shrunken or expanded (default 16.0)


Sets the snap setting which may be:

  • True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
  • False: leave vertices as-is
  • None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line segments, round to the nearest pixel center

Only supported by the Agg and MacOSX backends.


Set the Transform instance used by this artist.

ACCEPTS: Transform instance


Sets the url for the artist

ACCEPTS: a url string


Set the artist?s visiblity.

ACCEPTS: [True | False]


Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.

ACCEPTS: any number


If the artist is ?stale? and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.

to_rgba(x, alpha=None, bytes=False)

Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x.

In the normal case, x is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned, based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.

There is one special case, for handling images that are already rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file. If x is an ndarray with 3 dimensions, and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done. If the last dimension is 3, the alpha kwarg (defaulting to 1) will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension is 4, the alpha kwarg is ignored; it does not replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.

In either case, if bytes is False (default), the rgba array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is True, the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.

Note: this method assumes the input is well-behaved; it does not check for anomalies such as x being a masked rgba array, or being an integer type other than uint8, or being a floating point rgba array with values outside the 0-1 range.


Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.


copy properties from other to self


If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors from scalar data

zorder = 0
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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