

class skimage.feature.ORB(downscale=1.2, n_scales=8, n_keypoints=500, fast_n=9, fast_threshold=0.08, harris_k=0.04) [source]

Bases: skimage.feature.util.FeatureDetector, skimage.feature.util.DescriptorExtractor

Oriented FAST and rotated BRIEF feature detector and binary descriptor extractor.


n_keypoints : int, optional

Number of keypoints to be returned. The function will return the best n_keypoints according to the Harris corner response if more than n_keypoints are detected. If not, then all the detected keypoints are returned.

fast_n : int, optional

The n parameter in skimage.feature.corner_fast. Minimum number of consecutive pixels out of 16 pixels on the circle that should all be either brighter or darker w.r.t test-pixel. A point c on the circle is darker w.r.t test pixel p if Ic < Ip - threshold and brighter if Ic > Ip + threshold. Also stands for the n in FAST-n corner detector.

fast_threshold : float, optional

The threshold parameter in feature.corner_fast. Threshold used to decide whether the pixels on the circle are brighter, darker or similar w.r.t. the test pixel. Decrease the threshold when more corners are desired and vice-versa.

harris_k : float, optional

The k parameter in skimage.feature.corner_harris. Sensitivity factor to separate corners from edges, typically in range [0, 0.2]. Small values of k result in detection of sharp corners.

downscale : float, optional

Downscale factor for the image pyramid. Default value 1.2 is chosen so that there are more dense scales which enable robust scale invariance for a subsequent feature description.

n_scales : int, optional

Maximum number of scales from the bottom of the image pyramid to extract the features from.


[R160] Ethan Rublee, Vincent Rabaud, Kurt Konolige and Gary Bradski “ORB: An efficient alternative to SIFT and SURF” http://www.vision.cs.chubu.ac.jp/CV-R/pdf/Rublee_iccv2011.pdf


>>> from skimage.feature import ORB, match_descriptors
>>> img1 = np.zeros((100, 100))
>>> img2 = np.zeros_like(img1)
>>> np.random.seed(1)
>>> square = np.random.rand(20, 20)
>>> img1[40:60, 40:60] = square
>>> img2[53:73, 53:73] = square
>>> detector_extractor1 = ORB(n_keypoints=5)
>>> detector_extractor2 = ORB(n_keypoints=5)
>>> detector_extractor1.detect_and_extract(img1)
>>> detector_extractor2.detect_and_extract(img2)
>>> matches = match_descriptors(detector_extractor1.descriptors,
...                             detector_extractor2.descriptors)
>>> matches
array([[0, 0],
       [1, 1],
       [2, 2],
       [3, 3],
       [4, 4]])
>>> detector_extractor1.keypoints[matches[:, 0]]
array([[ 42.,  40.],
       [ 47.,  58.],
       [ 44.,  40.],
       [ 59.,  42.],
       [ 45.,  44.]])
>>> detector_extractor2.keypoints[matches[:, 1]]
array([[ 55.,  53.],
       [ 60.,  71.],
       [ 57.,  53.],
       [ 72.,  55.],
       [ 58.,  57.]])


keypoints ((N, 2) array) Keypoint coordinates as (row, col).
scales ((N, ) array) Corresponding scales.
orientations ((N, ) array) Corresponding orientations in radians.
responses ((N, ) array) Corresponding Harris corner responses.
descriptors ((Q, descriptor_size) array of dtype bool) 2D array of binary descriptors of size descriptor_size for Q keypoints after filtering out border keypoints with value at an index (i, j) either being True or False representing the outcome of the intensity comparison for i-th keypoint on j-th decision pixel-pair. It is Q == np.sum(mask).
__init__(downscale=1.2, n_scales=8, n_keypoints=500, fast_n=9, fast_threshold=0.08, harris_k=0.04) [source]
detect(image) [source]

Detect oriented FAST keypoints along with the corresponding scale.


image : 2D array

Input image.

detect_and_extract(image) [source]

Detect oriented FAST keypoints and extract rBRIEF descriptors.

Note that this is faster than first calling detect and then extract.


image : 2D array

Input image.

extract(image, keypoints, scales, orientations) [source]

Extract rBRIEF binary descriptors for given keypoints in image.

Note that the keypoints must be extracted using the same downscale and n_scales parameters. Additionally, if you want to extract both keypoints and descriptors you should use the faster detect_and_extract.


image : 2D array

Input image.

keypoints : (N, 2) array

Keypoint coordinates as (row, col).

scales : (N, ) array

Corresponding scales.

orientations : (N, ) array

Corresponding orientations in radians.

2017-01-12 17:22:38
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