Auto Scroll

Fixed Responsive Nav - Responsive, fixed and touch friendly one page navigation

Fixed Responsive Nav is a responsive, fixed and touch friendly one page navigation with animated scrolling.   Fixed Responsive Nav - Features: Fixed positioned, always visible navigation bar Uses vanilla JavaScript, no jQuery required Smooth animated scrolling Removes 300ms tap delay Adds a mask over the content when navigation is open Auto highlights current location Uses a tiny custom font for icons (only two characters included) Closes the navigation when user tap's outside of it T

Scroll To - A simple way to animate to anchors

Scroll To provides a simple way to animate to anchors. Scrolling to a spot in an HTML page is pretty simple to do with JQuery, but if you have a lot of IDs on the page to scroll to, the code can get a little messy. This plugin solves that by allowing you to write your anchor tags just as you normally would with the href attribute pointed at the ID you would like to move to (e.g. href="#importantSection".) This means that if JavaScript is turned off, your site will continue to function normally.

Smooth Scroll jQuery Plugin - Automatically make same-page links scroll smoothly

Smooth Scroll jQuery Plugin automatically makes same-page links scroll smoothly.   $.fn.smoothScroll: Allows for easy implementation of smooth scrolling for same-page links. Works like this: $('a').smoothScroll(); Specify a containing element if you want: $('#container a').smoothScroll(); Exclude links if they are within a containing element: $('#container a').smoothScroll({excludeWithin: ['.container2']}); Exclude links if they match certain conditions: $('a').smoothScroll({exclude: ['.r

jQuery scrollNav - A simple jQuery plugin that auto builds scrolling navigation menus

jQuery scrollNav is a light jQuery plugin that grabs your page's existing content, divides it up into logical sections and builds a customizable scrolling sidebar navigation.   jQuery scrollNav -Features: Simple to setup - A single file import and function in your footer and you're on your way. Fully Customizable - All the styling is up to you and the few bits controled by the plugin are editable Tiny Size   There are a few customizable options in scrollNav using key : value pairs: Sect

windows - jQuery plugin for full-screen scrolling windows

windows is a handy, loosely-coupled jQuery plugin for full-screen scrolling windows.  This plugin simply opens up a handy API for position management, provides callbacks, and will allow for window snapping. No CSS is applied to the callee.  

visualNav - A jQuery plugin that modifies a navigation menu to highlight

visualNav is a jQuery plugin that modifies a navigation menu to highlight / change when the menu's target smooth scrolls into view. visualNav - Features: Smooth scrolling page navigation. Easing can easily be defined for both horizontal and vertical scrolling. Auto-updating menu which highlights both the currently viewed content & other content in view. User can cancel auto-scroll by pressing any key, clicking on the page or scrolling the mousewheel. Can be set up to work with any men