
Galleriffic - A jQuery plugin for rendering rich, fast-performing photo galleries

Galleriffic is a jQuery plugin that provides a rich, post-back free experience optimized to handle high volumes of photos while conserving bandwidth.    Galleriffic - Features: Smart image preloading after the page is loaded Thumbnail navigation (with pagination) jQuery.history plugin integration to support bookmark-friendly URLs per-image Slideshow (with optional auto-updating url bookmarks) Keyboard navigation Events that allow for adding your own custom transition effects API for con

Scroll To - A simple way to animate to anchors

Scroll To provides a simple way to animate to anchors. Scrolling to a spot in an HTML page is pretty simple to do with JQuery, but if you have a lot of IDs on the page to scroll to, the code can get a little messy. This plugin solves that by allowing you to write your anchor tags just as you normally would with the href attribute pointed at the ID you would like to move to (e.g. href="#importantSection".) This means that if JavaScript is turned off, your site will continue to function normally.

Fotorama - A simple, stunning, powerful jQuery gallery

Fotorama is a simple, stunning, powerful jQuery gallery.   It's default settings are good, so there’s no need to mess with them. Still, you can fine-tune: Dimensions Fotorama’s dimensions are the dimensions of the first image. Other pictures are scaled proportionally to fit.  Thumbnails Change navigation style from iPhone-style dots to thumbnails by adding data-nav="thumbs". Fullscreen Allow fotorama to enter fullscreen using data-allowfullscreen. Video To add video from YouTube or

jQuery.fullContent - Enables fully websites

jQuery.fullContent is a full window jQuery plugin.    jQuery.fullContent - Features:  Create fully containers with width and height of window Dynamic position: Each container could have vertical and horizontal position set History hash in URL Scroll animation between containers Simple configuration and easy use  

Hashslider - jQuery-based slider that adds a hashtag to the window location

Hashslider is a jQuery-based slider plugin which does what the most jQuery-sliders do, but adds a hashtag to the window location, so you can link to any content / position of the slider.   Hashslider - Features: direct links to sliderpostion via hash tag easy to implement fully customizable free for everyone responsive (based on your css)  content could be anything optimized for large amount of slides  unique hash-names  navigate by mousewheel  autoslide  autoslide time marker