jQuery ReSmenu is a very simple and lightweight (~1Kb) jQuery plugin that collapse <ul> menus into <select> on responsive layouts.
Sortable is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers and touch devices. Sortable - Features: Support touch devices and modern browsers Built using native HTML5 drag and drop API Simple API Lightweight, 2KB gzipped No jQuery
liScroll is a jQuery plugin that transforms any given unordered list into a scrolling News Ticker. To build your news ticker all you need is the markup: an unordered list with a unique ID <ul id="ticker01"> <li><span>10/10/2007</span><a href="#">The first thing ...</a></li> <li><span>10/10/2007</span><a href="#">End up doing is ...</a></li> <li><span>10/10/2007</span><a href="#">The cod
Slip is a tiny library for interactive swiping and reordering of elements in lists on touch screens. It supports iOS Safari, Firefox Mobile, Chrome Mobile, Opera Mobile (Presto and Blink).
jQuery Sortable is a flexible, opinionated sorting plugin. It enables items in a list (or table etc.) to be sorted horizontally and vertically using the mouse. Supports nested lists and pure drag/drop containers. jQuery Sortable does not depend on jQuery UI and works well with Twitter's Bootstrap (You can even sort the Bootstrap navigation).
Bootstrap Dual Listbox is a responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. It works on all modern browsers and on touch devices.
Nestable is an interactive drag and drop hierarchical list jQuery plugin with mouse and touch compatibility.
TabSelect jQuery Plugin is a plugin to select one or more array or form entries visually, for example to filter a list or replace a multiselect form element.
Multiselectable jQuery plugin enables users to choose multiple items from list easily. It removes the issue of using keyboard modifiers to make a selection and also makes it easier to see what elements are actually selected.