
Pace - An automatic web page progress bar

Pace automatically adds a progress bar to your site. It will monitor your Ajax requests, event loop lag, document ready state and elements on your page to decide on the progress.  

NProgress.js - For slim progress bars like on YouTube, Medium, etc

NProgress.js is a nanoscopic progress bar plugin for Ajax'y applications. Inspired by Google, YouTube, and Medium. Featuring realistic trickle animations to convince your users that something is happening!  

neatShow.js - A jQuery plugin to fade in images

neatShow.js is a jQuery plugin to fade in images beautifully on your website. When neatShow is applied to an image, it will wait until the image has finished downloading, then instantly fades it in regardless of other images or activity on the page. Works reliably with all images in any state, including downloading, download complete and cached.  

jQuery BlockUI Plugin - Page or element overlay

The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser. When activated, it will prevent user activity with the page (or part of the page) until it is deactivated. BlockUI adds elements to the DOM to give it both the appearance and behavior of blocking user interaction.  

jQuery Dynatable - A funner, semantic, HTML5+JSON, interactive table plugin

jQuery Dynatable is a funner, semantic, interactive table plugin using jQuery, HTML5, and JSON. The purpose of Dynatable is to provide a simple, extensible API, which makes viewing and interacting with larger datasets easy. It provides a framework for implementing the most common elements out of the box, including sorting, searching and filtering.  

imagesLoaded - Detect when images have been loaded

imagesLoaded detects when images have been loaded. You can check if the image has succesfully loaded, and use a callback function to trigger events after loading.  

isLoading - jQuery plugin to show visual feedback when loading

isLoading is a simple jQuery plugin to show visual feedback when loading data or any action that would take time.