Mobile Friendly

nanoScroller.js - A jQuery plugin that offers a simplistic way of implementing Lion OS scrollbars

nanoScroller.js is a jQuery plugin that offers a simplistic way of implementing Mac OS X Lion-styled scrollbars for your website. It uses minimal HTML markup being .nano > .content. The other scrollbar div elements .pane > .slider are added during run time to prevent clutter in templating. The latest version utilizes native scrolling and works with the iPad, iPhone, and some Android Tablets.  

Flaunt.js - stylish responsive navigations with nested click-to-reveal

Flaunt.js is a jQuery script that allows you to create a responsive, nested navigation out the box. It was built to overcome responsive design challenges which faced a huge percentage of websites. This challenge was to show nested navigation items on click-demand, without the event taking you through to the page you've pressed...  

jQuery Nested - For a complete gap free, multi column grid layout experience

jQuery Nested is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create multi-column, dynamic grid layouts. Unlike other libraries and jQuery plugins similar to Nested, this is the first script out there that allows you a complete gap-free layout.   

FlexSlider - a responsive jQuery slider toolkit

FlexSlider is a free responsive jQuery slider toolkit. Supported in all major browsers with custom navigation options and touch swipe support.   FlexSlider - Features: An awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider toolkit. Simple, semantic markup Supported in all major browsers Horizontal/vertical slide and fade animations Multiple slider support, Callback API, and more Hardware accelerated touch swipe support Custom navigation options Compatible with the latest version of jQuery  

Mosaic Flow - Pinterest like responsive image grid for jQuery

Mosaic Flow is a Pinterest like responsive image or HTML grid plugin for jQuery.    Mosaic Flow - Features: Simple and easy to install. Responsive (shows as many columns as needed). Very fast. Only 1.5 KB (minified gzipped). You can use bare <img> tags or arbitrary HTML.   

JointJS - Create HTML5 interactive diagrams in JavaScript easily

JointJS is a modern HTML 5 JavaScript library for visualization and interaction with diagrams and graphs. It can be used to create either static diagrams or, and more importantly, fully interactive diagramming tools and application builders. JointJS makes it easy to create visual languages & tools of various kinds.   The event-driven nature together with MVC architecture of JointJS makes it easy to plug-in any backend application.   JointJS - Features: basic diagram elements (rect, circ

FitText - makes font-sizes flexible

FitText is a jQuery plugin for inflating web type. It makes font-sizes flexible. Use this plugin on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element.  

Pep - kinetic drag for mobile and desktop

Pep is a lightweight jQuery plugin which turns any DOM element into a draggable object. It works across mostly all browsers, from old to new, from touch to click. The author built it to serve a need in which jQuery UI's draggable was not fulfilling, since it didn't work on touch devices (without some hackery).  

EasyZoom - a jQuery image zoom plugin

EasyZoom is an elegant, highly optimised jQuery image zoom and panning plugin . It supports touch-enabled devices and is easily customisable with CSS.  

BlocksIt.js - Dynamic Grid Layout jQuery Plugin

BlocksIt.js is a jQuery plugin for creating dynamic grid layout. It manages to convert HTML elements into 'blocks' and position them in well-arranged grid layout like Pinterest. It allows join of 2 or more blocks into a big block element.