Mobile Friendly

Liquid Slider - A Responsive jQuery Content Slider

Liquid Slider is a responsive jQuery content slider.   Liquid Slider - Features: Advanced CSS3 transitions The Liquid Slider uses those fancy hardware-accellerated CSS3 transtions with jQuery animations as a fallback. Incredibly easy to use Installation is ridicioulsy easy and the API makes keeps it that way. And with custom builds, you only get the code you actually need.  Html5 optimized You can use any Html content you want. Any. The navigation will build itself around your content

Flexisel - A Responsive Carousel jQuery Plugin

Flexisel is the responsive image carousel with options specifically available for adapting the carousel for mobile and tablet devices, it will adapt responsively as the screen width gets smaller.  

SelectBoxIt - A jQuery Select Box Plugin for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop

SelectBoxIt is a jQuery plugin that progressively enhances an HTML Select Box into a single option dropdown list. The dropdown list can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap, jQueryUI ThemeRoller, or jQuery Mobile, optionally animated with jQueryUI show/hide effects, and works on Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile browsers.   SelectBoxIt - Features: Styleable with Twitter Bootstrap, jQueryUI Themeroller, and jQuery Mobile Supports Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile browsers Supports all jQuery and

Leaflet - An Open-Source JavaScript Library for Mobile-Friendly Interactive Maps

Leaflet is a modern open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.  It is designed with simplicity, performance and usability in mind. It works efficiently across all major desktop and mobile platforms out of the box, taking advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 on modern browsers while still being accessible on older ones. It can be extended with a huge amount of plugins, has a beautiful, easy to use and well-documented API and a simple, readable source code.