One Page Website

One Page Scroll - transform your website into a one page scroll website

One Page Scroll let you transform your website into a one page scroll website that allows users to scroll one page at a time. It is perfect for creating a website in which you want to present something to the viewers. You can customise the animation timing, the selector or even the animation easing using CSS3. You can trigger page move with hotkeys as well.  

Smint - Sticky Menu Including Navigation Thingy

Smint is a simple jQuery plugin that helps with the navigation on one page style websites. It has 2 main elements, a sticky navigation bar that stays at the top of the page while you scroll down and menu buttons that automatically scroll the page to the section you clicked on.  

Fixed Responsive Nav - Responsive, fixed and touch friendly one page navigation

Fixed Responsive Nav is a responsive, fixed and touch friendly one page navigation with animated scrolling.   Fixed Responsive Nav - Features: Fixed positioned, always visible navigation bar Uses vanilla JavaScript, no jQuery required Smooth animated scrolling Removes 300ms tap delay Adds a mask over the content when navigation is open Auto highlights current location Uses a tiny custom font for icons (only two characters included) Closes the navigation when user tap's outside of it T

FerroSlider - a Responsive and Customizable jQuery Sliding Plugin

FerroSlider is a free, responsive and customizable jQuery plugin that allows you to organize the contents of websites in a unusual and cool way and navigate through them with a sliding effect. With FerroSlider, one can organize any type of content, such as images, text, pages, lists and so on. You can use it as a sliding gallery or as slider for a one-page-website. FerroSlider uses standard HTML and CSS rules and is responsive and compatible with all the major browsers and with the two main