Responsive Web Design

FlowType.JS - adjusts font-size based on element width

FlowType.JS adjusts font-size based on element width. Ideally, the most legible typography contains between 45 and 75 characters per line. This is difficult to accomplish for all screen widths with only CSS media-queries. FlowType.JS eases this difficulty by changing the font-size based on a specific element's width. This allows for a perfect character count per line at any screen width.  

Juicy Slider - Responsive and Lightweight Slider/Slideshow Plugin for jQuery

Juicy Slider is a responsive slider/slideshow plugin for jQuery. Unlike other plugins that rely on CSS3 support of browser, this plugin adjusts image size by computing the corresponding aspect ratio of images and viewport using javascript. This makes it compatible with older browsers and more consistent. The current release uses jQuery UI to set its transition effects.  

Tipue Search - a site search engine jQuery plugin

Tipue Search is a site search engine jQuery plugin. It's free, open source and responsive.   This site search engine only needs a browser that supports jQuery. It doesn't need MySQL or similar. In Static mode it doesn't even need a web server. Tipue Search uses various modes for loading content. Static mode uses JSON, while Live mode grabs content from a list of pages.   

Fotorama - A simple, stunning, powerful jQuery gallery

Fotorama is a simple, stunning, powerful jQuery gallery.   It's default settings are good, so there’s no need to mess with them. Still, you can fine-tune: Dimensions Fotorama’s dimensions are the dimensions of the first image. Other pictures are scaled proportionally to fit.  Thumbnails Change navigation style from iPhone-style dots to thumbnails by adding data-nav="thumbs". Fullscreen Allow fotorama to enter fullscreen using data-allowfullscreen. Video To add video from YouTube or

ABigImage - jQuery plugin for viewing big versions of images

ABigImage is jQuery plugin for viewing big versions of images.   ABigImage - Features:  Fit mobile devices. Uses CSS3 transform and transition for smooth touch sliding. Touch slide left or right opens next or previous image, touch slide up or down closes image. Clicking image opens next one, clicking left side opens previous, clicking right side closes image. Hotkeys for next, previous and close buttons. Closing after viewing of all images. Preloading of next and previous images. Uses

Flow Slider - a jQuery thumbnail slider plugin

Flow Slider is a JavaScript thumbnail slider. It is customizable, skinnable, fashionable, and looks great on every site. This slider plugin is made to enhance user experience. It lets your users navigate faster and more intuitively. It picks all content of some element and enables you to slide it. You don't need to be a master programmer to use it but you surely can create master user experience by using it.   Flow Slider - Features: Lets you slide your HTML content as you always dreamed to.

Wallpaper - A jQuery plugin for smooth-scaling image and video backgrounds

Wallpaper is a jQuery plugin for smooth-scaling image and video backgrounds.  

ResponsiveSlides.js - Simple & lightweight responsive slider plugin

ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slider using elements inside a container. It has been used on sites like Microsoft's Build 2012 and Gridset App. ResponsiveSLides.js works with wide range of browsers including all IE versions from IE6 and up. It also adds css max-width support for IE6 and other browsers that don't natively support it. Only dependency is jQuery (1.6 and up supported) and that all the images are same size.   Biggest difference to other respon

jQuery scrollNav - A simple jQuery plugin that auto builds scrolling navigation menus

jQuery scrollNav is a light jQuery plugin that grabs your page's existing content, divides it up into logical sections and builds a customizable scrolling sidebar navigation.   jQuery scrollNav -Features: Simple to setup - A single file import and function in your footer and you're on your way. Fully Customizable - All the styling is up to you and the few bits controled by the plugin are editable Tiny Size   There are a few customizable options in scrollNav using key : value pairs: Sect

Responsive Nav - Responsive navigation plugin without library dependencies and with fast touch screen support

Responsive Nav is a tiny JavaScript plugin which helps you to create a toggled navigation for small screens. It uses touch events and CSS3 transitions for the best possible performance. It also contains a “clever” workaround that makes it possible to transition from height: 0 to height: auto, which isn’t normally possible with CSS3 transitions.   Responsive Nav - Features: Simple, semantic markup. Weighs only ~1kb minified and Gzip’ed. Doesn’t require any external library. Uses CSS3 transi