
jq-tiles - Slideshow with many cool css3 effects

jq-tiles is a jQuery slider plugin with css3 transitions and many effects.  

YoxView - jQuery image viewer plugin

YoxView is a free Lightbox-type media and image viewer jQuery plugin. It's easy to use and feature-rich.   YoxView - Features: FREE to use under the MIT license and open-sourced. Extremely easy to integrate.  Supported content: images, video, inline content, iframes, Flash and more.  On-line Video support - play YouTube/Vimeo/Hulu/etc. Content is resized to fit inside the browser's window. Plugins to display images from Flickr/Picasa and video galleries from YouTube. Skins available to

Colorbox - a jQuery lightbox

Colorbox is a lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery. It accepts settings from an object of key/value pairs, and can be assigned to any HTML element. Colorbox - Features: Supports photos, grouping, slideshow, ajax, inline, and iframed content. Lightweight: 10KB of JavaScript (less than 5KBs gzipped). Appearance is controlled through CSS so it can be restyled. Can be extended with callbacks & event-hooks without altering the source files. Completely unobtrusive, options are

Agile Carousel - jQuery Carousel / Slideshow Plugin

Agile Carousel is a JQuery Plugin that allows you to create a slideshow or carosuel. It's highly customizable so you can build according to your requirements. JSON data format is used to provide easier integration with external data or data from your CMS.   

dbpasCarousel - a jQuery carousel plugin

dbpasCarousel is another jQuery carousel plugin. This plugin will convert the ul element into a carousel. And you can set the auto generating captions for each slide by using img alt attribute.  

Tiny Circleslider - A lightweight cross browser circular carousel

Tiny Circleslider is a circular slider / carousel. That was built to provide web developers with a cool but subtle alternative to all those standard carousels. Tiny Circleslider can blend in on any wepage. It was built using the javascript jQuery library.   Tiny Circleslider - Features: IOS and Android support. AMD, Node, requirejs and commonjs support. Supports sliding by thumb or pager A interval can be set to slide automaticaly every given milliseconds Can be set to snap to a page Opt

Rondell - Display images and other content in a nice way

Rondell is a jQuery plugin for displaying galeries and other content the way you want.  

blueimp Gallery - a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery, carousel and lightbox

blueimp Gallery is a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers. It features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, slideshow functionality, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading and can be extended to display additional content types.    

Conveyor-Belt - a simple but well adjustable slideshow carousel jQuery plugin

Conveyor-Belt is a simple but well adjustable slideshow carousel jQuery plugin. There are plenty of configurations available, including transition types, image fits and slideshow speeds.