Sliding Panel

jQuery Content Panel Switcher - allows smooth transitioning of content in and out of panels located anywhere on the page

The jQuery Content Panel Switcher is a simple, very lightweight jQuery plugin that allows smooth transitioning of content in and out of panels located anywhere on the page. You can have single or multiple content switching panels on a single page Content panels can be either span or div elements, and the buttons used to switch the content can be just about anything, so long as they have the right clases assigned. Setup is very simple, just create your content, create the panel you wish to switc

Kwicks - sexy sliding panels for jQuery

Kwicks is a jQuery plugin providing sexy sliding panels with an emphasis on navigational interaction. Kwicks was originally a port of a MooTools effect (of the same name), but has since evolved into a highly configurable and versatile UI component.   

Portamento.js - jQuery plugin for easy sliding/floating panels

Portamento.js is a jQuery plugin that makes it simple to add sliding (aka "floating") panel functionality to your web page. All that's needed is some simple CSS and one line of JavaScript, and you're away! It works fine with floated and absolutely-positioned layouts, in all modern browsers and some not-so-modern ones too.   Portamento also has sensible behaviour if the user's viewport is too small to display the whole panel, so you don't need to worry about users not being able to see your imp

Promo Slide - jQuery plugin for promotional content that appears with user scrolling

Promo Slide is a jQuery plugin to show content on your site. After scrolling to the bottom of the page, a slide-out panel appears with more content. The container HTML can be customized. Template placeholders can be used, and then passed in dynamically at the time the plugin is initialized in the DOM.