jQuery.dotdotdot is a jQuery plugin for advanced cross-browser ellipsis on multiple line content. With jQuery.dotdotdot, you don't need to worry about your HTML markup, this plugin knows its way around the elements.
Succinct is a tiny jQuery plugin for truncating multiple lines of text. It shortens your text to a specified size, and then adds an ellipsis to the end.
jTruncate provides simple yet customizable truncation for text entities in your web page. This text truncation plugin allows you to customize nearly every aspect of the truncation operation. The following options are provided: length: The number of characters to display before truncating. minTrail: The minimum number of "extra" characters required to truncate. moreText: The text to use for the "more" link. lessText: The text to use for the "less" link. ellipsisText: Defaults to "..." to a