
Bootstrap-WYSIWYG - Tiny bootstrap-compatible WYSIWYG rich text editor

Bootstrap-WYSIWYG is a tiny bootstrap-compatible WYSIWYG rich text editor.   Bootstrap-WYSIWYG - Features: Automatically binds standard hotkeys for common operations on Mac and Windows Drag and drop files to insert images, support image upload (also taking photos on mobile devices) Allows a custom built toolbar, no magic markup generators, enabling the web site to use all the goodness of Bootstrap, Font Awesome and so on... Does not force any styling - it's all up to you Uses standard bro

jQuery URLive - lets you easily create a live preview of a URL

jQuery URLive lets you easily create a live preview of any url base on its Open Graph properties and other details, similar to Facebook's post attachment.  It doesn't only work on a <textarea> or <input> it also works on <a> tag and any element with a URL on its content. It's pretty lightweight as data fetching is done asynchronously via AJAX. It also doesn't require any back-end or PHP file to crawl and get the data as it uses YQL to query and make request on other domains.  

jQuery Fullscreen Editor - adds fullscreen mode to text fields

jQuery Fullscreen Editor plugin transforms textfields to customizable editors, either it can be used within a form or standalone.   jQuery Fullscreen Editor - Features: Flexible fullscreen mode Works on mobile - and major desktop browsers Comes with two different transitions Only ~4kb (minified)  

jQuery TE - a lightweight jQuery HTML editor plugin

jQuery TE is a jQuery plugin. It is a lightweight and very useful HTML editor. And it works with WYSIWYG model. Most importantly, it can be integrated into your system in 1 minute. And you can modify it as you want in terms of interface. Even you can change the css classes.   This HTML editor plugin works with same performance on the most preferred browsers. And its source of the output is same as 90% on these browsers. Also, it compresses to source of the output automatically. jQuery TE's sys

jQuery Super Labels - Give your forms a helping of awesome

jQuery Super Labels was born out of the need to use the label-over-field method for forms. There are other plugins out there that do pretty much the same thing, but none of them had the - for lack of a better word - sexiness that the author was looking for. This implementation makes the label slide across the field when gaining focus and fade out when a value is entered.   This method only really works for the following: input[type="text"], input[type="search"], input[type="url"], input[type="

Autosize - A plugin to automatically adjust textarea height

Autosize is a Small jQuery plugin to allow dynamic resizing of textarea height, so that it grows as based on visitor input. To use, just call the .autosize() method on any textarea element. Ex: $("textarea").autosize();  

jQuery Validation Plugin - provides drop-in validation for your existing forms

jQuery Validation Plugin makes simple clientside form validation easy, whilst still offering plenty of customization options. It makes a good choice if you're building something new from scratch, but also when you're trying to integrate something into an existing application with lots of existing markup. The plugin comes bundled with a useful set of validation methods, including URL and email validation, while providing an API to write your own methods. All bundled methods come with default erro

tipsy - Facebook-style tooltip plugin for jQuery

Tipsy is a jQuery plugin for creating a Facebook-like tooltips effect based on an anchor tag's title attribute.    

Validetta - a tiny jQuery plugin for validate your forms

Validetta is jQuery plugin which you can do client-side validation of your forms. It aims to decrease your burden with easy usage and flexible structure.    Validetta - Features: You can check fields whether it is empty or not or it is chosen or not. You can do e-mail check. You can do number check. You can check if the two fields are equal to each other. You can check credit card number validation. You can limit number of characters written to fields. You can limit number of choice of

AutoJS - Auto complete plugin from dictionary with no external dependencies

AutoJS is a library to continuously autocomplete textarea based on a standard dictionary. Dictionary has been deviced based on researches and linguistic methods, keeping an eye on minimizing the size of the library. Complete project is written in plain js, with no external dependencies, and it's size is reduced to mere 6kb.