
tf.contrib.learn.monitors.LoggingTrainable.__init__(scope=None, every_n=100, first_n=1) Initializes LoggingTrainable monitor. Args: scope: An optional string to match variable names using re.match. every_n: Print every N steps. first_n: Print first N steps.


tf.contrib.learn.monitors.LoggingTrainable.step_end(step, output) Overrides BaseMonitor.step_end. When overriding this method, you must call the super implementation. Args: step: int, the current value of the global step. output: dict mapping string values representing tensor names to the value resulted from running these tensors. Values may be either scalars, for scalar tensors, or Numpy array, for non-scalar tensors. Returns: bool, the result of every_n_step_end, if that was called this


tf.contrib.learn.monitors.LoggingTrainable.step_begin(step) Overrides BaseMonitor.step_begin. When overriding this method, you must call the super implementation. Args: step: int, the current value of the global step. Returns: A list, the result of every_n_step_begin, if that was called this step, or an empty list otherwise. Raises: ValueError: if called more than once during a step.


tf.contrib.learn.monitors.LoggingTrainable.set_estimator(estimator) A setter called automatically by the target estimator. If the estimator is locked, this method does nothing. Args: estimator: the estimator that this monitor monitors. Raises: ValueError: if the estimator is None.




tf.contrib.learn.monitors.LoggingTrainable.post_step(step, session)


tf.contrib.learn.monitors.LoggingTrainable.every_n_step_end(step, outputs)




tf.contrib.learn.monitors.LoggingTrainable.every_n_post_step(step, session) Callback after a step is finished or end() is called. Args: step: int, the current value of the global step. session: Session object.


tf.contrib.learn.monitors.LoggingTrainable.epoch_end(epoch) End epoch. Args: epoch: int, the epoch number. Raises: ValueError: if we've not begun an epoch, or epoch number does not match.