
(PECL OAuth >= 1.0.0) Set the consumerHandler handler callback public void OAuthProvider::consumerHandler ( callable $callback_function ) Sets the consumer handler callback, which will later be called with OAuthProvider::callConsumerHandler(). Parameters: callback_function The callable functions name. Returns: No value is returned.


(PECL OAuth >= 1.0.0) Constructs a new OAuthProvider object public OAuthProvider::__construct ([ array $params_array ] ) Initiates a new OAuthProvider object. Parameters: params_array Setting these optional parameters is limited to the CLI SAPI. Returns: An OAuthProvider object. This function is currently n


(PECL OAuth >= 1.0.0) Check an oauth request public void OAuthProvider::checkOAuthRequest ([ string $uri [, string $method ]] ) Checks an OAuth request. Parameters: uri The optional URI, or endpoint. method The HTTP method. Optionally pass in one of the OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_* OAuth constants. Returns: No value


(PECL OAuth >= 1.0.0) Calls the tokenNonceHandler callback public void OAuthProvider::calltokenHandler ( void ) Calls the registered token handler callback function, which is set with OAuthProvider::tokenHandler(). Returns: No value is returned. This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available. Ex


(PECL OAuth >= 1.0.0) Calls the timestampNonceHandler callback public void OAuthProvider::callTimestampNonceHandler ( void ) Calls the registered timestamp handler callback function, which is set with OAuthProvider::timestampNonceHandler(). Returns: No value is returned. This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.


(No version information available, might only be in Git) Calls the consumerNonceHandler callback public void OAuthProvider::callconsumerHandler ( void ) Calls the registered consumer handler callback function, which is set with OAuthProvider::consumerHandler(). Returns: No value is returned. This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is


(PECL OAuth >= 1.0.0) Add required parameters final public bool OAuthProvider::addRequiredParameter ( string $req_params ) Add required oauth provider parameters. Parameters: req_params The required parameters. Returns: Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. This function is currently not documented;


(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1) Set the OAuth version public bool OAuth::setVersion ( string $version ) Sets the OAuth version for subsequent requests Parameters: version OAuth version, default value is always "1.0" Returns: Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1) Sets the token and secret public bool OAuth::setToken ( string $token, string $token_secret ) Set the token and secret for subsequent requests. Parameters: token The OAuth token. token_secret The OAuth token secret. Returns: TRUE Exampl


(PECL OAuth >= 1.0.0) Set the timestamp public mixed OAuth::setTimestamp ( string $timestamp ) Sets the OAuth timestamp for subsequent requests. Parameters: timestamp The timestamp. Returns: Returns TRUE, unless the timestamp is invalid, in which case FALSE is returned. This function is currently not docume