
(No version information available, might only be in Git) Tweak specific SSL checks for requests. public bool OAuth::setSSLChecks ( int $sslcheck ) Tweak specific SSL checks for requests. Parameters: sslcheck Tweak specific SSL checks for requests. Returns: Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. This func


(PECL OAuth >= 1.0.0) Set the RSA certificate public mixed OAuth::setRSACertificate ( string $cert ) Sets the RSA certificate. Parameters: cert The RSA certificate. Returns: Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure (e.g., the RSA certificate cannot be parsed.) This function is currently not documented;


(PECL OAuth >= 1.0.0) The setRequestEngine purpose public void OAuth::setRequestEngine ( int $reqengine ) Sets the Request Engine, that will be sending the HTTP requests. Parameters: reqengine The desired request engine. Set to OAUTH_REQENGINE_STREAMS to use PHP Streams, or OAUTH_REQENGINE_CURL to use Curl. Returns: No value is returned.


(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1) Set the nonce for subsequent requests public mixed OAuth::setNonce ( string $nonce ) Sets the nonce for all subsequent requests. Parameters: nonce The value for oauth_nonce. Returns: Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE if the nonce is considered invalid. Changelog: 1.0.0


(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.8) Set CA path and info public mixed OAuth::setCAPath ([ string $ca_path [, string $ca_info ]] ) Sets the Certificate Authority (CA), both for path and info. Parameters: ca_path The CA Path being set. ca_info The CA Info being set. Returns: Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE if either ca_p


(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1) Set authorization type public mixed OAuth::setAuthType ( int $auth_type ) Set where the OAuth parameters should be passed. Parameters: auth_type auth_type can be one of the following flags (in order of decreasing preference as per OAuth 1.0 section 5.2): Returns: Returns TRUE if a parameter is correctly set, otherwise FA


(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1) Fetch a request token public array OAuth::getRequestToken ( string $request_token_url [, string $callback_url [, string $http_method ]] ) Fetch a request token, secret and any additional response parameters from the service provider. Parameters: request_token_url URL to the request token API. callback_url OAuth


(No version information available, might only be in Git) Generate OAuth header string signature public string OAuth::getRequestHeader ( string $http_method, string $url [, mixed $extra_parameters ] ) Generate OAuth header string signature based on the final HTTP method, URL and a string/array of parameters Parameters: http_method HTTP method for request.


(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1) Get HTTP information about the last response public array OAuth::getLastResponseInfo ( void ) Get HTTP information about the last response. Returns: Returns an array containing the response information for the last request. Constants from curl_getinfo() may be used. See also: OAuth::fet


(No version information available, might only be in Git) Get headers for last response public string OAuth::getLastResponseHeaders ( void ) Get headers for last response. Returns: A string containing the last response's headers or FALSE on failure