
_update_message_text($msg_type, $msg_reason, $langcode = NULL) Returns the appropriate message text when site is out of date or not secure. These error messages are shared by both update_requirements() for the site-wide status report at admin/reports/status and in the body of the notification email messages generated by update_cron(). Parameters $msg_type: String to indicate what kind of message to generate. Can be either 'core' or 'contrib'. $msg_reason: Integer constant specifying why messag


_update_manager_unique_identifier() Returns a short unique identifier for this Drupal installation. Return value An eight character string uniquely identifying this Drupal installation. File core/modules/update/update.module, line 652 Handles updates of Drupal core and contributed projects. Code function _update_manager_unique_identifier() { $id = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, ''); if (empty($id)) { $id = substr(hash('sha256', Settings::getHashSalt()), 0, 8); } return $id; }


_update_manager_extract_directory($create = TRUE) Returns the directory where update archive files should be extracted. Parameters $create: (optional) Whether to attempt to create the directory if it does not already exist. Defaults to TRUE. Return value The full path to the temporary directory where update file archives should be extracted. File core/modules/update/update.module, line 671 Handles updates of Drupal core and contributed projects. Code function _update_manager_extract_directo


_update_manager_check_backends(&$form, $operation) Checks for file transfer backends and prepares a form fragment about them. Parameters array $form: Reference to the form array we're building. string $operation: The update manager operation we're in the middle of. Can be either 'update' or 'install'. Use to provide operation-specific interface text. Return value TRUE if the update manager should continue to the next step in the workflow, or FALSE if we've hit a fatal configuration and mu


_update_manager_cache_directory($create = TRUE) Returns the directory where update archive files should be cached. Parameters $create: (optional) Whether to attempt to create the directory if it does not already exist. Defaults to TRUE. Return value The full path to the temporary directory where update file archives should be cached. File core/modules/update/update.module, line 693 Handles updates of Drupal core and contributed projects. Code function _update_manager_cache_directory($create


_update_manager_access() Resolves if the current user can access updater menu items. It both enforces the 'administer software updates' permission and the global kill switch for the authorize.php script. Return value TRUE if the current user can access the updater menu items; FALSE otherwise. File core/modules/update/update.module, line 180 Handles updates of Drupal core and contributed projects. Code function _update_manager_access() { return Settings::get('allow_authorize_operations', TR


_update_cron_notify() Performs any notifications that should be done once cron fetches new data. This method checks the status of the site using the new data and, depending on the configuration of the site, notifies administrators via email if there are new releases or missing security updates. See also update_requirements() File core/modules/update/update.fetch.inc, line 17 Code required only when fetching information about available updates. Code function _update_cron_notify() { $update_


_update_batch_create_message(&$project_results, $message, $success = TRUE) Creates a structure of log messages. Parameters array $project_results: An associative array of results from the batch operation. string $message: A string containing a log message. bool $success: (optional) TRUE if the operation the message is about was a success, FALSE if there were errors. Defaults to TRUE. File core/modules/update/update.authorize.inc, line 350 Callbacks and related functions invoked by authoriz


_update_authorize_clear_update_status() Clears available update status data. Since this function is run at such a low bootstrap level, the Update Manager module is not loaded. So, we can't just call update_storage_clear(). However, the key-value backend is available, so we just call that. Note that we do not want to delete items related to currently pending fetch attempts. See also update_authorize_update_batch_finished() update_storage_clear() File core/modules/update/update.authorize.inc, li


_tracker_user_access($account) Access callback: Determines access permission for an account. Parameters int $account: The user account ID to track. Return value bool TRUE if a user has permission to access the account for $account and has permission to access the content. See also tracker_menu() File core/modules/tracker/tracker.module, line 164 Tracks recent content posted by a user or users. Code function _tracker_user_access($account) { return $account->access('view') && $a