i18n\GettextMessageSource $useMoFile

$useMoFile public property public boolean $useMoFile = true

i18n\GettextMessageSource $useBigEndian

$useBigEndian public property public boolean $useBigEndian = false

i18n\GettextMessageSource $catalog

$catalog public property public string $catalog = 'messages'

i18n\GettextMessageSource $basePath

$basePath public property public string $basePath = '@app/messages'

i18n\GettextFile save()

save() public abstract method Saves messages to a file. public abstract void save ( $filePath, $messages )$filePath string File path $messages array Message translations. Array keys are source messages and array values are translated messages: source message => translated message. Note if the message has a context, the message ID must be prefixed with the context with chr(4) as the separator.

i18n\GettextFile load()

load() public abstract method Loads messages from a file. public abstract array load ( $filePath, $context )$filePath string File path $context string Message context return array Message translations. Array keys are source messages and array values are translated messages: source message => translated message.

i18n\Formatter normalizeNumericValue()

normalizeNumericValue() protected method Normalizes a numeric input value everything empty will result in 0 a numeric string will be casted to float everything else will be returned if it is numeric, otherwise an exception is thrown. protected float|integer normalizeNumericValue ( $value )$value mixed The input value return float|integer The normalized number value throws yii\base\InvalidParamException if the input value is not numeric.

i18n\Formatter normalizeDatetimeValue()

normalizeDatetimeValue() protected method Normalizes the given datetime value as a DateTime object that can be taken by various date/time formatting methods. protected DateTime|array normalizeDatetimeValue ( $value, $checkTimeInfo = false )$value integer|string|DateTime The datetime value to be normalized. The following types of value are supported: an integer representing a UNIX timestamp a string that can be parsed to create a DateTime object. The timestamp is assumed to be in $defau

i18n\Formatter init()

init() public method Initializes the object. This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration. public void init ( )

i18n\Formatter format()

format() public method Formats the value based on the given format type. This method will call one of the "as" methods available in this class to do the formatting. For type "xyz", the method "asXyz" will be used. For example, if the format is "html", then asHtml() will be used. Format names are case insensitive. public string format ( $value, $format )$value mixed The value to be formatted. $format string|array The format of the value, e.g., "html", "text". To specify additional par