web\Request getMethod()

getMethod() public method Returns the method of the current request (e.g. GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, PATCH, DELETE). public string getMethod ( )return string Request method, such as GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, PATCH, DELETE. The value returned is turned into upper case.

authclient\clients\VKontakte $authUrl

$authUrl public property Authorize URL. Authorize URL. public string $authUrl = 'http://api.vk.com/oauth/authorize'

authclient\OpenId buildSregParams()

buildSregParams() protected method Composes SREG request parameters. protected array buildSregParams ( )return array SREG parameters.

sphinx\Schema $indexSchemas

$indexSchemas public read-only property The metadata for all indexes in the Sphinx. Each array element is an instance of yii\sphinx\IndexSchema or its child class. public yii\sphinx\IndexSchema[] getIndexSchemas ( $refresh = false )

web\AssetBundle $jsOptions

$jsOptions public property The options that will be passed to yii\web\View::registerJsFile() when registering the JS files in this bundle. public array $jsOptions = []


Creating Modules Using Modules Nested Modules Best Practices Modules are self-contained software units that consist of models, views, controllers, and other supporting components. End users can access the controllers of a module when it is installed in application. For these reasons, modules are often viewed as mini-applications. Modules differ from applications in that modules cannot be deployed alone and must reside within applications. Creating Modules A module is organized as a directory

rbac\PhpManager $assignments

$assignments protected property protected array $assignments = []

base\View $blocks

$blocks public property A list of named output blocks. The keys are the block names and the values are the corresponding block content. You can call beginBlock() and endBlock() to capture small fragments of a view. They can be later accessed somewhere else through this property. public array $blocks = null

base\View endContent()

endContent() public method Ends the rendering of content. public void endContent ( )

mongodb\Cache flushValues()

flushValues() protected method Deletes all values from cache. Child classes may implement this method to realize the flush operation. protected boolean flushValues ( )return boolean Whether the flush operation was successful.