i18n\DbMessageSource $cache

$cache public property The cache object or the application component ID of the cache object. The messages data will be cached using this cache object. Note, that to enable caching you have to set $enableCaching to true, otherwise setting this property has no effect. After the DbMessageSource object is created, if you want to change this property, you should only assign it with a cache object. Starting from version 2.0.2, this can also be a configuration array for creating the object. See al

HTTP Caching

Last-Modified Header ETag Header Cache-Control Header Session Cache Limiter SEO Implications Besides server-side caching that we have described in the previous sections, Web applications may also exploit client-side caching to save the time for generating and transmitting the same page content. To use client-side caching, you may configure yii\filters\HttpCache as a filter for controller actions whose rendering result may be cached on the client-side. HttpCache only works for GET and HEAD requ


All Classes | Methods Inheritance yii\helpers\VarDumper » yii\helpers\BaseVarDumper Available since version 2.0 Source Code https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/framework/helpers/VarDumper.php VarDumper is intended to replace the buggy PHP function var_dump and print_r. It can correctly identify the recursively referenced objects in a complex object structure. It also has a recursive depth control to avoid indefinite recursive display of some peculiar variables. VarDumper can be u


All Classes | Properties | Methods Inheritance yii\helpers\Url » yii\helpers\BaseUrl Available since version 2.0 Source Code https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/framework/helpers/Url.php Url provides a set of static methods for managing URLs. Public Properties Property Type Description Defined By $urlManager yii\web\UrlManager URL manager to use for creating URLs yii\helpers\BaseUrl Public Methods Method Description Defined By base() Returns the base URL of the current request


All Classes Inheritance yii\helpers\UnsetArrayValue Available since version 2.0.10 Source Code https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/framework/helpers/UnsetArrayValue.php Object that represents the removal of array value while performing yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge(). Usage example: $array1 = [ 'ids' => [ 1, ], 'validDomains' => [ 'example.com', 'www.example.com', ], ]; $array2 = [ 'ids' => [ 2, ], 'validDomains


All Classes | Methods Inheritance yii\helpers\StringHelper » yii\helpers\BaseStringHelper Available since version 2.0 Source Code https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/framework/helpers/StringHelper.php StringHelper Public Methods Method Description Defined By basename() Returns the trailing name component of a path. yii\helpers\BaseStringHelper byteLength() Returns the number of bytes in the given string. yii\helpers\BaseStringHelper byteSubstr() Returns the portion of string spe

helpers\ReplaceArrayValue __construct()

__construct() public method Constructor. public void __construct ( $value )$value mixed Value used as replacement.

helpers\ReplaceArrayValue $value

$value public property Value used as replacement. public mixed $value = null


All Classes | Properties | Methods Inheritance yii\helpers\Markdown » yii\helpers\BaseMarkdown Available since version 2.0 Source Code https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/framework/helpers/Markdown.php Markdown provides an ability to transform markdown into HTML. Basic usage is the following: $myHtml = Markdown::process($myText); // use original markdown flavor $myHtml = Markdown::process($myText, 'gfm'); // use github flavored markdown $myHtml = Markdown::process($myText, 'extra


All Classes | Properties | Methods Inheritance yii\helpers\Json » yii\helpers\BaseJson Available since version 2.0 Source Code https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/framework/helpers/Json.php Json is a helper class providing JSON data encoding and decoding. It enhances the PHP built-in functions json_encode() and json_decode() by supporting encoding JavaScript expressions and throwing exceptions when decoding fails. Public Properties Property Type Description Defined By $jsonError