sphinx\Schema applyDefaultColumns()

applyDefaultColumns() protected method (available since version 2.0.6) Sets up the default columns for given index. This method should be used in case there is no way to find actual columns, like in some distributed indexes. protected void applyDefaultColumns ( $index )$index yii\sphinx\IndexSchema The index metadata

sphinx\Schema createQueryBuilder()

createQueryBuilder() public method Creates a query builder for the Sphinx. public yii\sphinx\QueryBuilder createQueryBuilder ( )return yii\sphinx\QueryBuilder Query builder instance

sphinx\Schema convertException()

convertException() public method Converts a DB exception to a more concrete one if possible. public yii\db\Exception convertException ( Exception $e, $rawSql )$e Exception $rawSql string SQL that produced exception

sphinx\Schema $typeMap

$typeMap public property Mapping from physical column types (keys) to abstract column types (values) public array $typeMap = ['field' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'string' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'ordinal' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'integer' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'int' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'uint' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'bigint' => self::TYPE_BIGINT, 'timestamp' => self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 'bool' => self::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'float' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'mva' => self::TYPE_INT

sphinx\Schema $indexTypes

$indexTypes public read-only property All index types in the Sphinx in format: index name => index type. public array getIndexTypes ( $refresh = false )

sphinx\Schema $indexSchemas

$indexSchemas public read-only property The metadata for all indexes in the Sphinx. Each array element is an instance of yii\sphinx\IndexSchema or its child class. public yii\sphinx\IndexSchema[] getIndexSchemas ( $refresh = false )

sphinx\Schema $queryBuilder

$queryBuilder public read-only property The query builder for this connection. public yii\sphinx\QueryBuilder getQueryBuilder ( )

sphinx\Schema $indexNames

$indexNames public read-only property All index names in the Sphinx. public string[] getIndexNames ( $refresh = false )

sphinx\QueryBuilder __construct()

__construct() public method Constructor. public void __construct ( $connection, $config = [] )$connection yii\sphinx\Connection The Sphinx connection. $config array Name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties

sphinx\Schema $db

$db public property The Sphinx connection public yii\sphinx\Connection $db = null