sphinx\ActiveRecord delete()

delete() public method Deletes the index entry corresponding to this active record. This method performs the following steps in order: call beforeDelete(). If the method returns false, it will skip the rest of the steps; delete the record from the index; call afterDelete(). In the above step 1 and 3, events named EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE and EVENT_AFTER_DELETE will be raised by the corresponding methods. public integer|boolean delete ( )return integer|boolean The number of rows deleted, or

sphinx\ActiveRecord deleteAll()

deleteAll() public static method Deletes rows in the index using the provided conditions. For example, to delete all articles whose status is 3: Article::deleteAll('status = 3'); public static integer deleteAll ( $condition = '', $params = [] )$condition string|array The conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the DELETE SQL. Please refer to yii\sphinx\Query::where() on how to specify this parameter. $params array The parameters (name => value) to be bound to the query.

sphinx\ActiveRecord equals()

equals() public method Returns a value indicating whether the given active record is the same as the current one. The comparison is made by comparing the index names and the primary key values of the two active records. If one of the records is new they are also considered not equal. public boolean equals ( $record )$record yii\sphinx\ActiveRecord Record to compare to return boolean Whether the two active records refer to the same row in the same index.

sphinx\ActiveRecord fetchSnippet()

fetchSnippet() protected method Builds up the snippet value from the given query. protected string fetchSnippet ( $match, $options = [] )$match string The full-text query to build snippets for. $options array List of options in format: optionName => optionValue return string Snippet value.

sphinx\ActiveRecord callKeywords()

callKeywords() public static method Returns tokenized and normalized forms of the keywords, and, optionally, keyword statistics. public static array callKeywords ( $text, $fetchStatistic = false )$text string The text to break down to keywords. $fetchStatistic boolean Whether to return document and hit occurrence statistics return array Keywords and statistics

sphinx\ActiveRecord callSnippets()

callSnippets() public static method Builds a snippet from provided data and query, using specified index settings. public static string|array callSnippets ( $source, $match, $options = [] )$source string|array Is the source data to extract a snippet from. It could be either a single string or array of strings. $match string The full-text query to build snippets for. $options array List of options in format: optionName => optionValue return string|array Built snippet in case

sphinx\ActiveRecord attributes()

attributes() public method Returns the list of all attribute names of the model. The default implementation will return all column names of the table associated with this AR class. public array attributes ( )return array List of attribute names.

sphinx\ActiveRecord $snippetSource

$snippetSource public read-only property Snippet source string. public string getSnippetSource ( )

sphinx\ActiveQuery __construct()

__construct() public method Constructor. public void __construct ( $modelClass, $config = [] )$modelClass array The model class associated with this query $config array Configurations to be applied to the newly created query object

sphinx\ActiveRecord $snippet

$snippet public property public string getSnippet ( $match = null, $options = [] )public void setSnippet ( $snippet )