mutex\FileMutex $fileMode

$fileMode public property The permission to be set for newly created mutex files. This value will be used by PHP chmod() function. No umask will be applied. If not set, the permission will be determined by the current environment. public integer $fileMode = null

mutex\FileMutex acquireLock()

acquireLock() protected method Acquires lock by given name. protected boolean acquireLock ( $name, $timeout = 0 )$name string Of the lock to be acquired. $timeout integer To wait for lock to become released. return boolean Acquiring result.

mutex\FileMutex $mutexPath

$mutexPath public property The directory to store mutex files. You may use path alias here. Defaults to the "mutex" subdirectory under the application runtime path. public string $mutexPath = '@runtime/mutex'

mutex\DbMutex init()

init() public method Initializes generic database table based mutex implementation. public void init ( )throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException if $db is invalid.

mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator validateValue()

validateValue() protected method Validates a value. A validator class can implement this method to support data validation out of the context of a data model. protected array|null validateValue ( $value )$value mixed The data value to be validated. return array|null The error message and the parameters to be inserted into the error message. Null should be returned if the data is valid. throws yii\base\NotSupportedException if the validator does not supporting data validation withou

mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator init()

init() public method Initializes the object. This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration. public void init ( )

mutex\DbMutex $db

$db public property The DB connection object or the application component ID of the DB connection. After the Mutex object is created, if you want to change this property, you should only assign it with a DB connection object. Starting from version 2.0.2, this can also be a configuration array for creating the object. public yii\db\Connection|array|string $db = 'db'

mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator validateAttribute()

validateAttribute() public method Validates a single attribute. Child classes must implement this method to provide the actual validation logic. public void validateAttribute ( $model, $attribute )$model yii\base\Model The data model to be validated $attribute string The name of the attribute to be validated.

mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator $forceFormat

$forceFormat public property Specifies the format, which validated attribute value should be converted to in case validation was successful. valid values are: 'string' - enforce value converted to plain string. 'object' - enforce value converted to \MongoId instance. If not set - no conversion will be performed, leaving attribute value intact. public string|null $forceFormat = null

mongodb\validators\MongoDateValidator $mongoDateAttribute

$mongoDateAttribute public property The name of the attribute to receive the parsing result as \MongoDate instance. When this property is not null and the validation is successful, the named attribute will receive the parsing result as \MongoDate instance. This can be the same attribute as the one being validated. If this is the case, the original value will be overwritten with the value after successful validation. public string $mongoDateAttribute = null