mail\BaseMessage __toString()

__toString() public method PHP magic method that returns the string representation of this object. public string __toString ( )return string The string representation of this object.

mail\MailerInterface sendMultiple()

sendMultiple() public abstract method Sends multiple messages at once. This method may be implemented by some mailers which support more efficient way of sending multiple messages in the same batch. public abstract integer sendMultiple ( array $messages )$messages array List of email messages, which should be sent. return integer Number of messages that are successfully sent.

mail\MailerInterface compose()

compose() public abstract method Creates a new message instance and optionally composes its body content via view rendering. public abstract yii\mail\MessageInterface compose ( $view = null, array $params = [] )$view string|array|null The view to be used for rendering the message body. This can be: a string, which represents the view name or path alias for rendering the HTML body of the email. In this case, the text body will be generated by applying strip_tags() to the HTML body. an a

mail\MailerInterface send()

send() public abstract method Sends the given email message. public abstract boolean send ( $message )$message yii\mail\MessageInterface Email message instance to be sent return boolean Whether the message has been sent successfully

mail\BaseMailer setViewPath()

setViewPath() public method public void setViewPath ( $path )$path string The directory that contains the view files for composing mail messages This can be specified as an absolute path or a path alias.

mail\BaseMessage send()

send() public method Sends this email message. public boolean send ( yii\mail\MailerInterface $mailer = null )$mailer yii\mail\MailerInterface The mailer that should be used to send this message. If no mailer is given it will first check if $mailer is set and if not, the "mail" application component will be used instead. return boolean Whether this message is sent successfully.

mail\BaseMessage $mailer

$mailer public property The mailer instance that created this message. For independently created messages this is null. public yii\mail\MailerInterface $mailer = null

mail\BaseMailer send()

send() public method Sends the given email message. This method will log a message about the email being sent. If $useFileTransport is true, it will save the email as a file under $fileTransportPath. Otherwise, it will call sendMessage() to send the email to its recipient(s). Child classes should implement sendMessage() with the actual email sending logic. public boolean send ( $message )$message yii\mail\MessageInterface Email message instance to be sent return boolean Whether the mes

mail\BaseMailer sendMultiple()

sendMultiple() public method Sends multiple messages at once. The default implementation simply calls send() multiple times. Child classes may override this method to implement more efficient way of sending multiple messages. public integer sendMultiple ( array $messages )$messages array List of email messages, which should be sent. return integer Number of messages that are successfully sent.

mail\BaseMailer sendMessage()

sendMessage() protected abstract method Sends the specified message. This method should be implemented by child classes with the actual email sending logic. protected abstract boolean sendMessage ( $message )$message yii\mail\MessageInterface The message to be sent return boolean Whether the message is sent successfully