jui\DatePickerLanguageAsset registerAssetFiles()

registerAssetFiles() public method Registers the CSS and JS files with the given view. public void registerAssetFiles ( $view )$view yii\web\View The view that the asset files are to be registered with.

jui\DatePicker renderWidget()

renderWidget() protected method Renders the DatePicker widget. protected string renderWidget ( )return string The rendering result.

jui\DatePicker init()

init() public method Initializes the widget. If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first. public void init ( )

jui\DatePickerLanguageAsset $autoGenerate

$autoGenerate public property Whether to automatically generate the needed language js files. If this is true, the language js files will be determined based on the actual usage of yii\jui\DatePicker and its language settings. If this is false, you should explicitly specify the language js files via $js. public boolean $autoGenerate = true

jui\DatePicker run()

run() public method Renders the widget. public void run ( )

jui\DatePicker $dateFormat

$dateFormat public property The format string to be used for formatting the date value. This option will be used to populate the clientOption dateFormat. The value can be one of "short", "medium", "long", or "full", which represents a preset format of different lengths. It can also be a custom format as specified in the ICU manual. Alternatively this can be a string prefixed with php: representing a format that can be recognized by the PHP date()-function. For example: 'MM/dd/yyyy' // date

jui\DatePicker $value

$value public property The input value. This value will be converted using `Yii::$app->formatter->asDate()` with the $dateFormat if it is not null. public string $value = null

jui\DatePicker $language

$language public property The locale ID (e.g. 'fr', 'de', 'en-GB') for the language to be used by the date picker. If this property is empty, then the current application language will be used. Since version 2.0.2 a fallback is used if the application language includes a locale part (e.g. de-DE) and the language file does not exist, it will fall back to using de. public string $language = null

jui\DatePicker $inline

$inline public property If true, shows the widget as an inline calendar and the input as a hidden field. public boolean $inline = false

jui\AutoComplete run()

run() public method Renders the widget. public void run ( )